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Bu rehber [[Cyborg]]'ların, bot'ların, [[MODsuits]]'lerin, ve stocky exosuit'lerin inşa ve bakımının nasıl olduğunu öğretecek.

[[File:Robotics.png|thumb|400px|alt=Robotics|[[Robotics and Mech Bay]]]]<br>
==[[Exosuit Fabricator]]'ler==
[[Robotics]] de kullanılan ana makinedir, bu makine sayesinde çeşitli exosuit, cyborg parçaları ve onların geliştirme modüllerini üretebilirisiniz.
====[[File:Generic_borg.png|64px]] [[Cyborg]]s====
Toplam Maliyet: 100000 [[File:Metal.png|Metal]]
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|1 x Her Cyborg parçasından ([[Exosuit Fabricator]] ile yapılır)<br>
2 x [[File:Flash.gif|Flash]] ([[Exosuit Fabricator]])<br>
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] (Tavsiye edilen seviye High-Capacity)<br>
1 x [[File:Brain.png|Brain]]→ [[File:MMI.png|MMI]] YADA positronic brain YADA B.O.R.I.S. module
[[Cyborg]] bir Robotiğin yarattığı ilk şaheserdir. Günlük hayatlarında istasyon sakinlerine yardım etmekle ve [[AI]] arızalı olduğunda ise herkesi öldürmekle görevlidir. Her [[Cyborg]] AI yasalarına uymak zorundadır.
Tüm parçalar hazırsa o zaman [[Cyborg]]umuzu birleştirelim!:
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Şarj edilmiş pili  cyborg chestin içine yerleştirin
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Teli cyborg chest' e yerleştirin
# [[File:Flash.gif|Flash]] İki tane flash'ı cyborg kafasına yerleştirin (Her göz için 1 tane olacak şekilde)
# Son rötuşlar için, tüm parçaları alın ve cyborg endoskeletona yerleştirin
# [[File:Multitool.png|Multitool]] Cyborglara isim vermek için Multitool kullanabilirsiniz. Beyni cyborga yerleştirmeden önce Multitool kullanmanız yeterli olacaktır.
# [[File:Brain.png|Brain]] Şimdi geriye sadece beyini koymak kaldı. [[Surgery#Brain_Removal|Buraya tıklayarak gönüllü kişinin beynini nasıl çıkarabileceğinize bakabilirsiniz.]] (Eğer beyin kafadan ameliyat olmayan bir şekilde çıkarıldıysa bunu beyine [[Guide_to_chemistry#Mannitol|mannitol]] dökerek düzeltebilirsiniz)
# [[File:MMI.png|MMI]] Şimdi beyini [[MMI]] a sonra ise MMI'ı direkt olarak Cyborg a monte edin. Tebrikler, cyborgunuz artık hazır! Beyni olmayan kadavrayı ceset çantasına koyup [[Morgue]] a teslim edin (YADA cesedi direkt olarak çöpe atın çünkü kimin umrunda? Siz ROBOTİKSİNİZ!). Eğer MMI'ı cyborg a taktığınızda "This MMI does not seem to fit." uyarısını alıyorsanız beynin sahibi OOC olarak borg banı yemiştir.
# Beyin yerine, positronic brain (Hayaletlerin girebildiği yapay beyin) yada B.O.R.I.S. module (AI tarafından kontrol edilebilmesini sağlayan modül) takabilirsiniz.
==Cyborg Bakımı==
Bakım sürecinin en başında yapman gereken şey Cyborgun bakım kapağını açmaktır:
#[[File:Id_regular.png]] ID Card veya [[File:Emag.png]] [[Emag]] kullan yada sadece Cyborg'a panelini açmasını söyle
#[[File:Crowbar.png]] Kapağı Crowbar ile aç.
Bakım süreci bittikten sonra Cyborg kapağı açık bir şekilde ortalıkta dolaşmasın diye az önce kullandığın aletleri ters sırayla tekrar kullan:
#[[File:Crowbar.png]] Kapağı Crowbar ile kapat.
#[[File:Id_regular.png]] Kendilerini kilitleyemedikleri için ID ni kullanarak Cyborg'u kilitle
===Cyborg Tamiri===
Cyborglar sürekli tamir edilmeye gelecekler o yüzden hazırlıklı ol.
Brute damage için:
# [[File:Welder.png]][[Welding Tool|Weld]] kullanarak yamuk ve ezik yerleri tamir et.
Burn damage için:
# Cyborg'un kilidini ve kapağını aç.
# [[File:Hud-hands.gif]] Boş bir el kullanarak pili çıkar.
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] Kabloları açığa çıkarmak için Screwdriver kullan.
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Yeniden kablolama yap. Bu adımı birçok  kez tekrarlaman gerekebilir.
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] kabloları geri saklamak için Screwdriver kullan.
# Önceki veya yeni bir Power Cell tak.
# Kapağı kapat ve Cyborg'u kilitle.
Mühendis Cyborglar kendi veya arkadaş cyborgların üzerindeki yamuklukları ve ezikleri tamir edebilir. Power Cell ve kablolara ulaşamadıkları için Burn damage tamir edemezler.
===Cyborg Pili===
Genellikle en az bir tane Cyborg'u geliştirme yapman için sırada beklerken göreceksin.
# Cyborg'un kilidini ve kapağını aç.
# [[File:Hud-hands.gif]] Boş bir el kullanarak eski pili çıkar.
# [[File:Power_cell.png]] Yeni pili yerleştir.
# Kapağı kapat ve Cyborg'u kilitle.
===Cyborg'u Yeniden Canlandırmak===
Bozulmuş fakat hurda olmamış bir Cyborg tekrar çalışır bi hale getirilebilir.
# Exosuit Fabricator'den Emergency Restart Module çıkar.
# Welder ile tamir edin ve/yada kabloları yenile.
# Cyborg'un kilidini ve kapağını aç.
# [[File:Circuitboard.png]] Emergency Restart Module'ü yerleştir.
# Kapağı kapat ve Cyborg'u kilitle.
===Cyborg'u Güncellemek===
# Cyborg'un kilidini ve kapağını aç.
# [[File:Circuitboard.png]] Upgrade Module'ü tak.
# Kapağı kapat ve Cyborg'u kilitle.
===Cyborgun Modelini Sıfırlamak===
Cyborgun Modelini Sıfırlamak için [[Hacking#Cyborgs|Guide to Hacking]]'a göz atın.
===Cyborg'u Sökmek===
Cyborg, içindeki MMI'ı ve parçaları geri almak için sökülebilir.
# Cyborg'un kilidini ve kapağını aç.
# [[File:Hud-hands.gif]] Boş bir el kullanarak pili çıkar.
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] Kabloları açığa çıkarmak için Screwdriver kullan.
# [[File:Wirecutters.png]] '''lockdown''' ışığı yanana kadar kabloları Wirecutter ile kes.
# [[File:Wrench.png]] Sokme işlemini tamamlamak için Wrench kullan.
=== Upgrades ===
[[Roboticist]] borgların haraket hızını arttırmak gibi şeylere yarayan geliştirme modülleri yapabilir.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!Materials to produce<br>(unupgraded fabricator)
!Cyborg Reclassification Board
|Borg'u yeniden isimlendirmeye yarar.
|5000 Iron
!Cyborg Emergency Reboot Module
|Bozuk fakat hurda olmamış borgları tekrar canlandırır, bu yüzden çok önemli bir modüldür.
|20000 Iron, 5000 Glass
!Borg Expander
|Cyborgun boyutunu büyültür.
|200000 Iron, 5000 titanium
!Ion Thruster Upgrade
|Yerçekimsiz ortamda rahat hareket edebilmesi için borg'a jetpack verir.
|10000 Iron, 6000 Glass, 5000 Plasma, 6000 Uranium
!Cyborg Self-Repair Module
|Güç tüketimini arttırarak borg'un zamanla kendini tamir etmesini sağlar.
|15000 Iron, 15000 Glass
!Illegal Equipment Module
|İllegal modüllere izin verir.<br>
Sadece admin veya illegal teknoloji araştırması yoluyla elde edilir.
|15000 Iron, 15000 Glass, 10000 Diamond
!Circuit Manipulation Apparatus
|Devre kartlarının manipülasyonuna izin veren bir Mühendis Borg güncellemesi.
|2000 Iron, 500 Titanium
!Engineering Cyborg RPED
|Mühendis Cyborg için hızlı parça değiştirme cihazı.
|10000 Iron, 5000 Glass
!Mining Cyborg Diamond Drill
|Madenci Cyborgların maden kazma hızını arttırır.
|10000 Iron, 6000 Glass, 2000 Diamond
!Mining Cyborg Satchel of Holding
|Madenci Cyborglara madenler için sınırsız bir çanta verir.
|10000 Iron, 2000 Gold, 1000 Uranium
!Mining Cyborg Lavaproof Chassis
|Madenci Cyborg'un lav üzerinden hasar almadan geçebilmesini sağlar.
|10000 Iron, 4000 Plasma, 5000 Titanium
!Medical Cyborg Crew Pinpointer
|Mürettebatın yerini belirlemeye yarar.
|1000 Iron, 500 Glass
!Cyborg Piercing Hypospray
|Cyborg hyposprayinin to kalın kıyafetleri ve MODsuiti delip geçmesini sağlar.
|15000 Iron, 15000 Glass, 5000 Titanium, 3000 Diamond
!Medical Cyborg Defibrillator
|Medical Cyborg'a [[Medical_items#Defibrillator|defibrillator]] verir. Ayrıca Cyborg'a modül yerine normal bir [[File:Defib.png]] [[Medical_items#Defibrillator|defibrillator]] takabilirsiniz.
|8000 Iron, 5000 Glass, 4000 Silver, 3000 Gold
!Beaker Storage Apparatus
|Medical Cyborg için Beaker depolayabilme modülü.
|2000 Iron, 2250 Glass
!Medical Cyborg Surgical Processor
|Medical Cyborg'a operating computer'da öğrendiği ameliyatları yapabilmesi için Cerrahi bir işlemci verir. Sonrasında bu ameliyatlar Cyborg tarafından herhangi bir yerde yapılabilir.
|5000 Iron, 4000 Glass, 4000 Silver
!Medical Cyborg Expanded Hypospray
|Medical Cyborg'un Hypospray'ine [[Cyborg#Quick_reference_to_mediborg_chems|new chemicals]] ekler.
|15000 Iron, 15000 Glass, 8000 Plasma, 8000 Uranium
!Rapid Disabler Cooling Module
|Security cyborg disablerlarının tekrar dolum süresini azaltır.
|20000 Iron, 6000 Glass, 2000 Gold, 2000 Diamond
!Janitor Cyborg Trash Bag of Holding
|Janitor Cyborg'un çöp torbasını çok büyük miktarlarda çöp tutabilen bir torbaya yükseltir.
|2000 Gold, 1000 Uranium
!Janitor Cyborg Advanced Mop
|Gelişmiş Janitor Cyborg paspası.
|2000 Iron, 2000 Glass
!Experimental Push Broom
|Gelişmiş Janitor Cyborg süpürgesi.
|4000 Iron, 500 Glass
!Plating Repair Tool
|Janitor Cyborglara hasarlı zeminleri tamir edebilen bir araç verir.
|2500 Iron, 750 Glass
!Clown Module
|Cyborg'u [[Cyborg#Clown|Clown]] a çevirmeye yarar.
|15000 Iron, 15000 Glass, 1000 Bananium
Madenci Cyborglar ayrıca kinetic accelerator upgrade alabilirler.
To initiate most surgeries, first place [[File:Drapes.png|Drapes]]'''drapes''' over the part of the body you are operating on.
===Removing Brains===
| style="width: 400px;" |'''Procedure'''||'''Ghetto Analogues'''
|Step 1: [[File:Scalpel.png|Scalpel]] '''Scalpel''': make an incision.||[[File:Knife.png|Kitchen Knife]] (65%) [[File:Shard.png|Shard]] (45%) [[File:Sword.gif|Energy Sword]] (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
|Step 2: [[File:Retractor.png|Retractor]] '''Retractor''': retract the skin.||[[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] (45%) [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] (35%)
|Step 3: [[File:Saw.png|Circular Saw]] '''Circular Saw''': saw through bones.||[[File:Chainsaw.gif|Chainsaw (arm-mounted)]] (65%) [[File:Fireaxe.png|Fire Axe]] (50%) [[File:Chainsaw.gif|Chainsaw (unmounted)]] (50%) [[File:Hatchet.png|Hatchet]] (35%) [[File:Butcherknife.png|Butcher's Knife]] (25%) [[File:Arm_blade.png|Changeling's Arm Blade]] (75%)
|Step 4: [[File:Hemostat.png|Hemostat]] '''Hemostat''': clamp the bleeders.||[[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] (60%) [[File:Package_Wrapper.png|Package Wrap]] (35%) [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable]] (15%)
|Step 5: [[File:Scalpel.png|Scalpel]] '''Scalpel''': make an incision.||[[File:Knife.png|Kitchen Knife]] (65%) [[File:Shard.png|Shard]] (45%) [[File:Sword.gif|Energy Sword]] (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
|Step 6: [[File:Hemostat.png|Hemostat]] '''Hemostat''': remove the brain.||[[File:Crowbar.png|Crowbar]] (55%)
|Step 7: [[File:MMI.png]]Have an MMI in hand.
|Step 8: Click to remove the brain.
Despite what some old-timer Roboticists may tell you, <b>DO NOT JUST TAKE THE BONESAW AND CUT THEIR HEAD OFF WITHOUT SURGERY.</b> Removing a brain without surgery will damage it and may result in the immediate death of the brain.
In case this happens, you will need to ask the [[Chemist]] to make some [[Mannitol]] to fix it. Once you have a beaker of it, just splash it on the brain and it should be good to go. You can always examine the brain to see if it is still damaged.
If a head is not attached to a body, you can simply use a [[File:Scalpel.png|Scalpel]]scalpel or some other slicing/cutting item on it to cut the brain out. No need for drapes or table.
=== Limb Augmentation ===
Replace a limb with a robot part. The head, torso, arms, and legs can all be augmented. Augmenting torso makes you immune to appendicitis and xeno larva.<br> Robot limbs are tougher. They need welding to "heal" brute damage and wires for burn damage, and cannot be otherwise healed. EMP pulses will hurt augmented humans.
[[File:Cyborg_head.png|right|thumb|Cyborg head]][[File:Cyborg_torso.png|right|thumb|Cyborg torso]][[File:Cyborg_left_arm.png|right|thumb|Cyborg arm]]
''We can rebuild him. We have the technology.''
[[File:Hud-target.gif|Target]] '''Target: Head, chest, legs or arms'''
| style="width: 400px;" |'''Procedure'''||'''Ghetto Analogues'''
|colspan="2"|Step 0: '''Create''' the '''cyborg limb(s)''' using an '''Exosuit Fabricator'''.
|Step 1: [[File:Scalpel.png|Scalpel]] '''Scalpel''': make an incision.||[[File:Knife.png|Kitchen Knife]] (65%) [[File:Shard.png|Shard]] (45%) [[File:Sword.gif|Energy Sword]] (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
|Step 2: [[File:Retractor.png|Retractor]] '''Retractor''': retract the skin.||[[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] (45%) [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] (35%)
|Step 3: [[File:Hemostat.png|Hemostat]] '''Hemostat''': clamp bleeders.||[[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] (60%) [[File:Package_Wrapper.png|Package Wrap]] (35%) [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable]] (15%)
|colspan="2"|Step 4: '''Cyborg limb''': augment the limb.
As a Roboticist, you serve another important purpose: making robots. Robots can benefit the station in many ways, and are really damned easy to create. The current list of robots, and how to make them, is as follows:
'''Remember:''' All bots can be made through the crafting menu (T-like hammer hud-icon). This can save a lot of time during construction, especially if Robotics is busy!
====[[File:Medibot.gif|64px]] Medibot====
Performs a baby version of [[Surgery#Tend_Wounds|tend wounds]]. The surgery works through clothes and without the patient having to lie down. Amount healed scales with [[Surgery#Tend_Wounds|tend wounds surgeries]] researched. Each researched upgrade of [[Surgery#Tend_Wounds|tend wounds]] increases health healed. Requires a "refresh" similarly to operating computers to benefit from research.
When [[Syndicate Items#Cryptographic Sequencer|emagged]] it will inject 5u [[Guide_to_chemistry#Chloral_Hydrate|chloral hydrate]] and damage you based on what they would have healed (brute if you don't need treatment) per step.<br>
What damage types the medibot can heal depends on medkit used. If they can heal multiple types the damage type healed will be random per treatment:
* Advanced first aid kit: All 4 basic damage types.
* Brute kit: 10% extra brute. (other types?)
* Burn kit: ?
* Toxin kit: ?
* Suffocation kit: ?
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|1 x [[File:Cyborg_right_arm.png]] Borg Arm (left or right)<br>
1 x [[File:SMed.png|Med-kit]] (EMPTY, any color)<br>
1 x [[File:Healthanalyzer.png|Health Analyzer]] or [[:File:First aid analyzer.png|First aid analyzer]]<br>
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]
# Attach the Borg Arm (left or right, doesn't matter) to an empty [[Med-kit]]. The color of the Med-kit determines what damage it will heal, as well as its future color (white and pink kits are both for brute dmg).
# You can pick the assembly up in your hand at this point and name it something clever/funny/stupid by holding your [[Pen]] in the other hand and clicking on it, if you wish.
# Add a [[Medical Analyzer]].
# Insert the [[Proximity Sensor]] and your Medibot is ready!
====[[File:Cleanbot.gif|64px]] Cleanbot====
Cleanbots are great, as they serve the exact same purpose as the Janitor. What makes it even better is that it uses Space Cleaner to mop, so no slipping on everything! When Emagged (or hacked) it will spew slippery foam and melt people with acid.
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|1 x [[File:Bucket.png|Bucket]]<br>
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]<br>
1 x [[File:Cyborg_left_arm.png]] Borg Arm (left or right)
# Grab a [[bucket]] from the [[Janitor]] or make with [[Autolathe]] and insert the [[Proximity Sensor]] to it
# Use a [[Pen]] to name it if you wish.
# Attach a Borg Arm and your Cleanbot is ready!
====[[File:Floorbot.gif|64px]] Floorbot====
Floorbots are nice to have around when some asshole starts crowbarring up floor tiles or some traitor has blown apart a section of the station. They zoom around and repair busted floor tiles. Honestly, they're niche to the point of uselessness. But they make nice pets. Also, if emagged, they will deconstruct the floors into space.
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|1 x [[File:BlueToolbox.png|Mechanical Toolbox]] Any toolbox<br>
10 x [[File:Floor_Tiles.png|Floor Tile]]<br>
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]<br>
1 x [[File:Cyborg_left_arm.png]] Borg Right Arm
# Attach a [[Floor tile]] to the [[Storage_items#Mechanical_toolbox|Mechanical Toolbox]].
# Add the [[Proximity Sensor]].
# Insert a Borg Right Arm and your Floorbot is ready!
====[[File:Firebot.gif|64px]] Firebot====
This lil' guy will scoot around and try his best to extinguish burning people and gases around him.
If [[Emag|emagged]] he will spray [[Guide to chemistry#Chlorine Trifluoride|Chlorine Trifluoride]] at anyone who isn't on fire.
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|1 x [[File:Fire_extinguisher.gif|Fire Extinguisher]]<br>
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]<br>
1 x [[File:Fire_Helmet.png|Fire Helmet]]<br>
1 x [[File:Cyborg_right_arm.png]] Borg Arm (left or right)
# [[File:Cyborg_right_arm.png]] Attach a Borg Arm (left or right) to the [[File:Fire_extinguisher.gif]][[Fire Extinguisher]]. [[File:Firebot_assembly1.png]]
# [[File:Fire_Helmet.png]] Add a [[Fire Helmet]]. [[File:Firebot_assembly2.png]]
# [[File:Prox_Sensor.png]] Add a [[Proximity Sensor]] and your Firebot is ready.
====[[File:Honkbot.png|HONK HONK|64px]] [[Honkbot]]====
Annoying and useless, now with cuffing abilities. The clown might bug you to make one of these in absence of a H.O.N.K. mech. Can be of use to [[Security]] if there's no supplies for a [[Securitron]]. God forbid if a traitor [[Emag|emags]] the thing or if ''anyone'' puts a PAI into one.
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|1 x [[File:Clownbox.png|Clown Box]]<br>
1 x [[File:Clownstamp.png|Clown Stamp]]<br>
1 x [[File:Bike horn.png|Bike Horn]]<br>
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]<br>
1 x [[File:Cyborg_left_arm.png]] Borg Arm (left or right)<br>
# Stamp a piece of cardboard with the clown stamp. (You may need a clown for this step)
# Insert a Borg Arm
# Add a [[Proximity Sensor]].
# Add a Bike Horn
====[[File:Vibebot.png|64px]] Vibebot====
It's just out here vibing.
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|2 x [[File:Light_Bulb.png|Light bulb]]<br>
1 x [[File:Cyborg_head.png|Cyborg head]]<br>
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]<br>
1 x [[File:Crayon.png|Crayon]]<br>
# Gather up the building materials.
# Use the crafting menu to assemble.
====[[File:Hygienebot.gif|64px]] Hygienebot====
Flying bot which showers people covered in blood, with force if necessary. Showers people in fire if [[Emag]]<nowiki/>ed
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|2 x [[File:Metal.png|Metal]]<br>
1 x [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]]<br>
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]<br>
1 x [[File:Nduct_n_w.png|link=#Plumbing#Fluid_Ducts|Fluid Duct]]
# [[File:Metal.png|Metal]] Use metal in hand to craft an ''incomplete hygienebot assembly''.
# [[File:Welder.png]] [[Welding Tool|Weld]] a hole in the incomplete hygienebot assembly.
# [[File:Prox_Sensor.png]] Add a [[Proximity Sensor]].
# [[File:Nduct_n_w.png]] Add a [[Plumbing#Fluid_Ducts|Fluid Duct]].
====[[File:Securitron.gif|I AM THE LAW|64px]] [[Securitron]]====
Basically, Officer Beepsky without the personality. You usually won't need to build any of these, but they can be hilariously helpful for traitors who have invested in a [[Syndicate Items#Cryptographic Sequencer|Cryptographic Sequencer]], as they tend to run around stunning and cuffing everyone in sight. Problem is, any of these that report a Level 10 Infraction when spotting people are obviously hacked.
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|1 x [[File:Signaler.png|Remote Signaling Device]]<br>
1 x [[File:Helmet.png|Helmet]]<br>
1 x [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]]<br>
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]<br>
1 x [[File:Cyborg_right_arm.png]] Borg Right Arm<br>
1 x [[File:StunBaton.gif|Stun Baton]]
# Use a [[Remote Signaling Device]] on a [[Helmet]].
# [[Welding Tool|Weld]] them together
# Add a [[Proximity Sensor]].
# Insert a Borg Arm.
# Toss in a [[Stun Baton]] and your Securitron is ready!
Note: Destroying a Securitron or Officer Beepsky with a melee weapon is all but impossible by yourself; striking them causes them to immediately stun and cuff you. If you work with another person you can get several hits in while it is cuffing the other person, which is often enough to destroy it outright.
====[[File:GeneralBeepsky.png|FOOLISH JEDI|64px]] General Beepsky====
This is General Beepsky (or General Grieffous, your pick). A terrifying 4 esword wielding nightmare-bot created by a mad roboticist with the help of some leftover eswords,  this thing is a [[Traitor|traitor's]] worst nightmare. It takes down criminals by delivering deadly spin attacks, instantly downing a target with it's rapidly rotating eswords. It gets even worse when a [[Syndicate Items#Cryptographic Sequencer|Cryptographic Sequencer]] gets involved, as General Beepskey will begin to mercilessly track, kill, maim and subsequently disembowel any target he comes across.
Unlike normal Securitrons, General Beepsky can deflect projectiles with it's eswords. It's only true weakness is an EMP.
Has a toy sword version.
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|1 x [[File:Signaler.png|Remote Signaling Device]]<br>
1 x [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]]<br>
1 x [[File:Helmet.png|Helmet]]<br>
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]<br>
1 x [[File:Cyborg_left_arm.png]] Borg Arm (left or right)<br>
1 x [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench|link=Wrench]] Wrench
4 x [[File:ESword.png|Energy Sword]]
# Use a [[Remote Signaling Device]] on a [[Helmet]].
# [[Welding Tool|Weld]] them together
# Add a [[Proximity Sensor]].
# Insert a Borg Arm.
# Use a [[Wrench]] to adjust the arm slots for extra weapons.
# Attach 4 [[Energy Sword|Energy Swords]] and your death machine is ready to maim.
====[[File:Ed209.png|64px]] [[ED-209]]====
Beepsky's bigger brother. Has all of the abilities of a standard Securitron with the addition of a ranged attack.
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|1 x [[File:Cyborg_endoskeleton.png|Cyborg Endoskeleton]] Cyborg Endoskeleton<br>
1 x [[File:Metal.png|Metal Sheet]]<br>
2 x [[File:Cyborg_left_leg.png|Cyborg Leg]] Cyborg Leg<br>
1 x [[File:Armor.png|Body Armor]]<br>
1 x [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]]<br>
1 x [[File:Helmet.png|Helmet]]<br>
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]<br>
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
1 x [[File:Disabler.png|Disabler]]<br>
1 x [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]]<br>
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]<br>
# [[File:Cyborg_endoskeleton.png|Cyborg Endoskeleton]] Build a Cyborg Endoskeleton from the Exosuit Fabricator.
# [[File:Metal.png|Metal Sheet]] Use a [[Metal Sheet]] on a Cyborg Endoskeleton to reinforce it.
# [[File:Cyborg_left_leg.png|Cyborg Leg]] Add two Robot Legs
# [[File:Armor.png|Body Armor]] Add a [[Body Armor]]
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Weld everything together
# [[File:Helmet.png|Helmet]] Add in a security [[Helmet]]
# [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]] Attach a [[Proximity Sensor]] to the assembly
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Insert wires
# [[File:Disabler.png|DRAGnet]] [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Add a [[Disabler]] and attach it with a [[Screwdriver]]
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Insert a [[Power Cell]]. Your own exosuit is complete!
An emagged ED-209 fires deadly lasers AND attacks anyone on sight.
====[[File:Generic drone.png|64px]] [[Drone|Drone]]====
A disposable little drone that runs around and repairs things. Controlled by players, and can't interact with any other beings at all (besides other drones). Usually good to make lots of these to let ghosts get back into the round.
# [[File:Droneshell.png|Drone Shell]] Build a drone shell from the Exosuit Fabricator.
That's it! Any ghost can click on the drone shell to take control of it and start repairing the station.
====[[File:Vimbot.png|64px]] Vim====
Minature little mecha for sentient small animals, such as pets, to ride around in. Comes with headlights, and the ability to chime or buzz (in case you can't speak galactic common).
Non-sentient animals cannot pilot it.
To manufacture:
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|1 x [[File:Evahelmet.png]]EVA Helmet<br>
2 x [[File:Cyborg_left_leg.png]] Borg Leg (left or right)<br>
1 x [[File:Flashlight.png]]Flashlight<br>
1 x [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]]Screwdriver<br>
1 x [[File:Voice_Analyzer.png]] Voice Analyzer
# Attach two Borg Legs to your EVA Helmet.
# Attach a flashlight to the Vim assembly.
# Use a screwdriver to attach the flashlight.
# Use a [[Pen]] to name it if you wish.
# Attach the [[Voice Analyzer]] to the assembly.
Your mini mech is now ready for Ian to take a joyride in!
<big>[[MODsuits|Click here for the MODsuits page]]</big>
These can be tremendously helpful or tremendously annoying depending on who uses it. They take more work to make than robots and require special circuits, which are obtained through the [[Quartermaster]] or the Research and Development console.
With all Exosuits, [[MMI]]s can be installed as drivers. But remember, MMIs are not bound to the AI or its laws, so don't put any [[Traitor|deranged]] [[Clown|maniacs]] inside them. Remember to grant MMI controlled mechs access keys, because they don't have a keycard on them!
===List of Exosuits===
====[[File:Ripley_MK-I.png|64px]] Ripley APLU====
'''Equipment slots''': 6
'''Movement speed''': Fast.
'''Special abilities''': Even faster movespeed in low pressure environments (Lavaland, space, etc.). Armor can be upgraded with Goliath plates.
'''Armor''': 40 melee, 20 bullet, 10 laser, 20 energy, 40 bomb. 20.000°K max temperature*.
'''Integrity:''' 200
'''Description:''' The Ripley APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) is a fast moving exosuit with no atmospheric protection. Don't expect the wire screen to do much against ranged weapons. Useful for carrying boxes and as a lightweight platform for various exosuit tools.
While it lacks the Firefigher's lavaproofing and improved armor, the Ripley APLU can still go toe to toe with Lavaland mobs thanks to its good melee protection.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The exosuit itself can withstand decently high temperatures without taking damage. It does not, however, offer protection to the pilot from fire or temperature hazards.
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Click expand for construction steps.
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{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="370"
|Minerals: 100.000[[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 7.500[[File:Glass.png|Glass]]
10 x Metal rods<br>
5 x Metal sheets [[File:Metal.png|Metal]]<br>
2 x Ripley circuit boards (also available through [[Cargo]]) [[File:Circuitboard.png]]<br>
1 x Scanning Module. [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]]<br>
Higher tier = less power consumption.<br>
1 x Capacitor. [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]]<br>
Higher tier = better EMP resistance.<br>
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]
'''Construction steps''':
# Build all of the Ripley parts using the Exosuit Fabricator.
# Attach all of the parts to the Ripley chassis
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil
# [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Central Control Module]] Ripley Central Control Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Peripherals Control Module ]] Ripley Peripherals Control Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]] Add a Scanning Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]] Add a Capacitor
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Power Cell
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 5 pieces of Metal
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
# [[File:Rods.png|Plasteel]] 10 metal Rods
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
====[[File:Ripley.png|64px]] Ripley APLU MK-II====
'''Equipment slots''': 6
'''Movement speed''': Slow.
'''Special abilities''': Fast movespeed in low pressure environments (Lavaland, space, etc.). Armor can be upgraded with Goliath plates.
'''Armor''': 40 melee, 30 bullet, 30 laser, 30 energy, 60 bomb, 70 rad, 100 fire, 100 acid. 30.000°K max temperature.
'''Integrity:''' 250
'''Description:''' The Ripley APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) Mark II is a slow moving, decently protected exosuit that's often used for construction, break&entry or fighting Blobs.
The MK-II has a pressurized cabin for space operations, but the added weight has slowed it down. Whether the trade is fair or not depends solely on your purpose for the exosuit.
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="370"
|Minerals: 10.000[[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 10.000[[File:Plasmadone.png|Plasma]]
1 x Ripley APLU MK-I [[File:Ripley_MK-I.png|Ripley MK-I]]
[[File:Ripley_conversionkit.png|MK-I to MK-II Conversion Kit]] The Ripley MK-II is created by using a conversion kit on a Ripley MK-I exosuit. This kit is available from the Exosuit Fabricator. The conversion process requires the MK-I to have an empty cargo bay, no pilot sitting inside, and the Maintenance Procedures function permitted.<br>'''Once converted to the MK-II design, the exosuit cannot be restored to MK-I.'''
====[[File:Clarke_front.png|64px]] Clarke ====
'''Equipment slots''': 7
'''Movement speed''': Fast.
'''Special abilities''': Completely storm, fire and lavaproof. Has an unremovable internal ore box (empty the ore box with the "view stats" menu). Can search for Lavaland ruins on a 1-minute cooldown and pinpoint to the nearest one. Can attack on all directions, instead of only the one it's facing.
'''Armor''': 20 melee, 10 bullet, 20 laser, 10 energy, 60 bomb, 70 rad, 100 fire, 100 acid. 65.000°K max temperature.
'''Integrity:''' 200
'''Description:''' A fast moving, fireproof exosuit with lavaproof treads and ash storm protection. Suitable for exploring [[Lavaland]]. Cannot strafe. Like with most exosuits it needs some research to unlock. Replaced the [[#Firefighter_APLU|Firefighter APLU]].
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Click expand for construction steps.
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{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="700"
|* Minerals: 76.000[[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 17.500[[File:Glass.png|Glass]]
* 4 x [[Guide_to_construction#Conveyor_Belt|Conveyor belts]] [[File:ConveyorBelt.png|32px]] (from autolathe or engineering/science protolathe)<br>
* 5 x Plasteel sheets [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]]<br>
* 5 x Gold sheets [[File:Gold_bar.png|Gold]]<br>
* 1 x Clarke Central Control module (Exosuit Board) [[File:Mech_central_control.png]] (from department circuit imprinter (Science))<br>
* 1 x Clarke Peripherals Control module (Exosuit Board) [[File:Mech_peripherals.png]] (from department circuit imprinter (Science))<br>
* 1 x Scanning Module. [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]]<br>
** Higher tier = less power consumption.<br>
* 1 x Capacitor. [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]]<br>
** Higher tier = better EMP resistance.<br>
* 1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
* 1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]
'''Construction steps''':
# Create an Exosuit Chassis ("Clarke") using the Exosuit Fabricator.
# Create the torso, head, left arm and right arm of the Clarke using the Exosuit Fabricator.
# Assemble all of the Clarke parts to the Exosuit Chassis ("Clarke").
# [[File:ConveyorBelt.png|32px]] Add 4x [[Guide_to_construction#Conveyor_Belt|conveyor belts]]
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil
# [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Clarke Central Control Module]] Clarke Central Control Module (from circuit imprinter)
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Clarke Peripherals Control Module ]] Clarke Peripherals Control Module (from circuit imprinter)
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]] Add a Scanning Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]] Add a Capacitor
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Power Cell
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 5 pieces of Plasteel
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
# [[File:Gold_bar.png|Gold]] 5 pieces of Gold
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
====[[File:Firefighter.png|64px]] <s>Firefighter APLU</s> (removed)====
{{Anchor|Firefighter APLU}}Firefighter APLU was removed in March, 2020 and replaced with [[#Clarke|Clarke]].
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Click expand for outdated construction steps and other information.
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'''Equipment slots''': 5
'''Movement speed''': Slow.
'''Special properties''': Fast movespeed in low pressure environments. Armor can be upgraded with Goliath plates. Completely heat- and lavaproof.
'''Armor''': 40 melee, 30 bullet, 30 laser, 30 energy, 60 bomb. 65.000°K max temperature.
'''Integrity:''' 250
'''Description:''' The Firefighter APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) is the Ripley's big brother that has significantly improved armor and can walk on lava unscathed.
Once you outfit it with a plasma cutter and hydraulic clamp, it becomes great for mining and slaying [[Megafauna]] - miners love it!
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="370"
|Minerals: 100.000[[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 7.500[[File:Glass.png|Glass]]
15 x Plasteel sheets [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]]<br>
5 x Metal sheets [[File:Metal.png|Metal]]<br>
2 x Ripley circuit boards (also available through [[Cargo]]) [[File:Circuitboard.png]]<br>
1 x Firesuit [[File:Firesuit.png|Firesuit]]<br>
1 x Scanning Module. [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]]<br>
Higher tier = less power consumption.<br>
1 x Capacitor. [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]]<br>
Higher tier = better EMP resistance.<br>
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]
'''Construction steps''':
# Create a Firefighter APLU chassis using the Exosuit Fabricator.
# Create all parts of the Ripley APLU except for the chassis.
# Assemble all of the Ripley parts to the Firefighter chassis.
# [[File:Firesuit.png|Firesuit]] Add a Firesuit
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil
# [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Central Control Module]] Ripley Central Control Module (from [[R&D]] or [[QM]])
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Peripherals Control Module ]] Ripley Peripherals Control Module (from [[R&D]] or [[QM]])
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]] Add a Scanning Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]] Add a Capacitor
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Power Cell
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 5 pieces of Plasteel
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
# [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 5 pieces of Plasteel
# [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 5 pieces of Plasteel
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
====[[File:Odysseus.png|64px]] Odysseus====
'''Equipment slots''': 3
'''Movement speed''': Fast.
'''Special abilities''': Can use unique medical equipment. Displays an advanced medical HUD to the pilot.
'''Armor''': 20 melee, 10 bullet. 25.000°K max temperature.
'''Integrity:''' 120
'''Description:''' A fast, lightly armored exosuit that can use unique medical equipment.
Examples are a mounted sleeper that can carry and stabilize patients, as well as a syringe gun that can scan and replicate most reagents.
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Click expand for construction steps.
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{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="370"
|Minerals: 74.000[[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 10.000[[File:Glass.png|Glass]]
5 x Plasteel sheets [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]]<br>
5 x Metal sheets [[File:Metal.png|Metal]]<br>
2 x Odysseus circuit boards [[File:Circuitboard.png]]<br>
1 x Scanning Module. [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]]<br>
Higher tier = less power consumption.<br>
1 x Capacitor. [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]]<br>
Higher tier = better EMP resistance.<br>
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]
'''Construction steps''':
# Create all of the Odysseus parts using the Exosuit Fabricator.
# Assemble all of the Odysseus parts to the chassis.
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil
# [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Odysseus Main Board]] Odysseus Main Board (from [[R&D]] or [[QM]])
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Odysseus Peripherals Board]] Odysseus Peripherals Board (from [[R&D]] or [[QM]])
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]] Add a Scanning Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]] Add a Capacitor
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Power Cell
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 5 pieces of Metal
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
# [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 5 pieces of Plasteel
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
====[[File:Gygax.png|64px]] Gygax====
'''Equipment slots''': 3
'''Movement speed''': Average or extremely fast
'''Special abilities''': Its punches can smash through walls, [[Status_Effects#Knockdown|knock people down]] for 4 seconds and deal 25 damage. Can overload leg actuators to move at very high speeds at the cost of extreme energy consumption.
'''Armor''': 25 melee, 20 bullet, 30 laser, 15 energy. 25.000°K max temperature.
'''Integrity:''' 250
'''Description:''' While lightly armored, the Gygax has incredible mobility thanks to its ability that lets it smash through walls at high speeds.
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Click expand for construction steps.
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{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="380"
|Minerals: 125.000[[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 15.000[[File:Glass.png|Glass]] 20.000[[File:Silverdone.png|Silver]] 20.000[[File:Golddone.png|Gold]] 10.000[[File:Titaniumdone.png|Titanium]]
5 x Metal sheets [[File:Metal.png|Metal]]<br>
3 x Gygax circuit boards [[File:Circuitboard.png]]<br>
1 x Scanning Module. [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]]<br>
Higher tier = less power consumption.<br>
1 x Capacitor. [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]]<br>
Higher tier = better EMP resistance.<br>
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]
'''Construction steps''':
#Create all of the Gygax parts using the Exosuit Fabricator.
#Assemble all of the Gygax parts to the chassis (except the Armor plates)
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil
# [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Gygax Main Circuitboard]] Gygax Central Control module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Gygax Peripherals Circuitboard]] Gygax Peripherals Control module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Gygax Targeting Circuitboard]] Gygax Weapon Control and Targeting module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]] Add a Scanning Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]] Add a Capacitor
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Power Cell
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 5 pieces of Metal
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
# [[File:Gygax armor plates.png|Gygax Armor Plates]]Add Gygax Armor Plates (Made in the Exosuit Fabricator)
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
====[[File:Durand.png|64px]] Durand====
'''Equipment slots''': 3
'''Movement speed''': Slow.
'''Special abilities''': Has devastating punches that can knock people out. Can enable a shield, which rapidly drains energy and completely blocks attacks from the faced direction, except explosions and EMPs.
'''Armor''': 40 melee, 35 bullet, 15 laser, 10 energy, 20 bomb. 30.000°K max temperature. Additional deflect chance.
'''Integrity:''' 400
'''Description:''' A slow but beefy combat exosuit that is extra scary in confined spaces due to its punches and defense mode. Xenos hate it!
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Click expand for construction steps.
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{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="440"
|Minerals: 140.000[[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 25.000[[File:Glass.png|Glass]] 28.000[[File:Silverdone.png|Silver]] 25.000[[File:Uraniumdone.png|Uranium]] 20.000[[File:Titaniumdone.png|Titanium]]
5 x Metal sheets [[File:Metal.png|Metal]]<br>
3 x Durand circuit boards [[File:Circuitboard.png]]<br>
1 x Scanning Module [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Phasic Scanning Module]]<br>
Higher tier = less power consumption.<br>
1 x Capacitor [[File:Capacitor.png|Super Capacitor]]<br>
Higher tier = better EMP resistance.<br>
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]
'''Construction steps''':
#Create all of the Durand parts using the exosuit fabricator.
#Assemble all of the Durand parts to the chassis (except the Armor plates)
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil
# [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Main Circuitboard]] Durand Main Circuitboard
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Peripherals Circuitboard]] Durand Peripherals Circuitboard
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Targeting Circuitboard]] Durand Targeting Circuitboard
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Phasic Scanning Module]] Add a Scanning Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Capacitor.png|Super Capacitor]] Add a Capacitor
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Power Cell
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 5 pieces of Metal
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
# [[File:Durand_armor_plates.png|Durand Armor Plates]] Add Durand Armor Plates (Made in the Exosuit Fabricator)
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
=====Durand Shield=====
The shield can be enabled and disabled with a hud button. It drains energy very fast, and drains even more energy when blocking attacks. This is what the Durand shield looks like. The red area is not visible in-game, but shows which directions the shield will block attacks from. <br>
This is what the shield looks like in the dark: <br>
====[[File:Phazon.png|64px]] Phazon====
'''Equipment slots''': 3
'''Movement speed''': Fast.
'''Special abilities''': Can phase through solid objects at reduced movespeed. Fist attacks can be reconfigured to deal brute, burn or toxin damage.
'''Armor''': 30 melee, 30 bullet, 30 laser, 30 energy, 30 bomb. 25.000°K max temperature.
'''Integrity:''' 200
'''Description:''' Phazons are the culmination of RnD - they have the highest base movespeed, good armor and can phase through anything thanks to bluespace technology.
Unless you manage to neutralize a bluespace anomaly, you won't be able to build one of these.
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Click expand for construction steps.
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{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="440"
|Minerals: 175.000[[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 90.000[[File:Plasmadone.png|Plasma]] 20.000[[File:Titaniumdone.png|Titanium]]
5 x Plasteel sheets [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]]<br>
1 x Bluespace Crystal [[File:Bluespace_Crystal.png|Bluespace Crystal]]<br>
1 x Bluespace Anomaly Core<br>
3 x Phazon circuit boards [[File:Circuitboard.png]]<br>
1 x Scanning Module [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Phasic Scanning Module]]<br>
Higher tier = less power consumption.<br>
1 x Capacitor [[File:Capacitor.png|Super Capacitor]]<br>
Higher tier = better EMP resistance.<br>
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]
'''Construction steps''':
#Create all of the Phazon parts using the exosuit fabricator.
#Assemble all of the Phazon parts to the chassis (except for the Armor Plates)
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil
# [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Main Circuitboard]] Phazon Main Circuitboard
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Peripherals Circuitboard]] Phazon Peripherals Circuitboard
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Targeting Circuitboard]] Phazon Targeting Circuitboard
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]] Add a Scanning Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]] Add a Capacitor
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Bluespace_Crystal.png|Bluespace Crystal]] Add a Bluespace Crystal
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Power Cell
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 5 pieces of Plasteel
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
# Add Phazon Armor Plates (Made in the Exosuit Fabricator)
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
# Add the Anomaly Core (NOTE: This specifically needs to be a Bluespace anomaly core. The other types will not work.)
====[[File:Savannah-ivanov.png|64px]] Savannah-Ivanov====
'''Equipment slots''': 0
'''Movement speed''': 3
'''Special abilities''': Seats not one, but TWO pilots! Rise up into the air and crash down on kaiju with skyfall, or shoot from the gunner's seat with an Ivanov strike.
'''Armor''': 45 melee, 40 bullet, 30 laser, 30 energy, 40 bomb, 80 rad, 100 fire, 100 acid. 30.000°K max temperature.
'''Integrity:''' 450
'''Description:''' An insanely overbulked mecha that handily crushes single-pilot opponents. The price is that you need two pilots to use it.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
Click expand for construction steps.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="370"
|Minerals: 206.000[[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 42.500[[File:Glass.png|Glass]] 26.000[[File:Silver_bar.png|Silver]] 25.000[[File:Uranium_sheet.png|Uranium]] 20.000[[File:Titanium_sheet.png|Titanium]]
10 x Plasteel sheets [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]]<br>
3 x Savannah-Ivanov circuit boards [[File:Circuitboard.png]]<br>
1 x Scanning Module. [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]]<br>
Higher tier = less power consumption.<br>
1 x Capacitor. [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]]<br>
Higher tier = better EMP resistance.<br>
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]
'''Construction steps''':
# Build all of the Savannah-Ivanov parts using the Exosuit Fabricator.
# Attach all of the parts to the Savannah-Ivanov chassis
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil
# [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Central Control Module]] Combination Control Lock Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Peripherals Control Module ]] Savannah Peripherals Control Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Peripherals Control Module ]] Ivanov Weapon Control and Targeting Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]] Add a Scanning Module
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]] Add a Capacitor
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Power Cell
# [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver
# [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 10 pieces of Plasteel
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
# [[File:Savannah-ivanov_armor.png|Savannah-Ivanov Armor Plates]] Add Savannah-Ivanov Armor Plates (Made in the Exosuit Fabricator)
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool
====[[File:honk.png|64px]] H.O.N.K.====
'''Equipment slots''': 3
'''Movement speed''': Average.
'''Special abilities''': Can equip Clown weapons of mass pranking. Makes squeaking noises while walking and has a special menu to play even more annoying sounds. 
'''Armor''': -20 melee, 25.000°K max temperature. Yikes.
'''Integrity:''' 140
'''Description:''' What's worse than a Clown? A Clown inside a custom exosui
t. This monstrosity can equip weapons of mass pranking and WILL annoy the hell out of people.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
Click expand for construction steps.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300"
|Minerals: 120.000[[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 15.000[[File:Glass.png|Glass]] 35.000[[File:Bananimumdone.png|Bananium]]
1 x Clown mask<br>
1 x Clown shoes<br>
1 x Bike horn [[File:Bike horn.png]]<br>
3 x H.O.N.K. circuit boards [[File:Circuitboard.png]]<br>
1 x Scanning Module [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Phasic Scanning Module]]<br>
Higher tier = less power consumption.<br>
1 x Capacitor [[File:Capacitor.png|Super Capacitor]]<br>
Higher tier = better EMP resistance.<br>
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]<br>
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]
'''Construction steps'''::
#Create all of the H.O.N.K. exosuit parts in the Exosuit Fabricator.
#Attach all of the H.O.N.K. exosuit parts to the H.O.N.K. exosuit chassis.
#[[File:Bike horn.png|60px]] HONK at the exosuit with a bike horn.
#[[File:Circuitboard.png]] Add the main circuit board.
#[[File:Bike horn.png|60px]] HONK at the exosuit again.
#[[File:Circuitboard.png]] Add the peripherals circuit board.
#[[File:Bike horn.png|60px]] HONK
#[[File:Circuitboard.png]] Add the targeting circuit board.
#[[File:Bike horn.png|60px]] HONK
# [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]] Add a Scanning Module
#[[File:Bike horn.png|60px]] HONK
# [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]] Add a Capacitor
#[[File:Bike horn.png|60px]] HONK
# [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Power Cell
#[[File:Bike horn.png|60px]] '''HONK'''
#Add the clown's mask to the exosuit.
#[[File:Bike horn.png|60px]] '''HENK'''
#Add clown shoes to it.
#[[File:Bike horn.png|60px]] '''I WILL GRAB ONE OF MY SIX BIKE HORNS, AND I WILL HONK THE SONG THAT ENDS THE EARTH''' [[File:Bike horn.png|60px]]
Much like Epimetheus and Oppenheimer, you have unleashed unspeakable evil - a weapon that has lain dormant since the Honk Ages. I hope you're happy with yourself.
===CentCom Exosuits===
If you see these, you know that things have '''really''' gone to shit. These exosuits are typically only found in the repositories of the elite [[Emergency Response Team]] and [[Death Squad]].
====[[File:Marauder.png|64px]] Marauder====
'''Equipment slots''': 4
'''Movement speed''': Very slow.
'''Special abilities''': Smoke grenades, thrusters (for space navigation), optical zoom. Destroys walls by running into them. Punches harder than a Durand. Lava- and fireproof.
'''Armor''': 50 melee, 55 bullet, 40 laser, 30 energy, 30 bomb. 60.000°K max temperature. Has a chance to deflect attacks.
'''Integrity:''' 500
'''Description:''' Standard issue exosuit for the [[Death Squad]] when the going gets tough.<br> It starts off with the eZ-13 MK2 heavy pulse rifle, the SRM-8 missile rack, a Tesla Energy Relay and an antiprojectile armor booster.
====[[File:Seraph.png|64px]] Seraph====
'''Equipment slots''': 5
'''Movement speed''': Average.
'''Special abilities''': Same as the Marauder's, but punches even harder.
'''Armor''': Same as the Marauder's.
'''Integrity:''' 550
'''Description:''' An advanced [[Death Squad]] exosuit for when the going gets seriously tough. Usually reserved for CentCom high command.<br> It starts off with the LBX AC 10 "Scattershot", the SRM-8 missile rack, a teleporter, a Tesla Energy Relay, and an antiprojectile armor booster.
===Syndicate Exosuits===
For dealing with particularly resilient obstacles. Typically only found in the arsenals of the famed [[Nuclear Operative]]s.
====[[File:DarkGygax.png|64px]] Dark Gygax====
'''Equipment slots''': 4
'''Movement speed''': Average.
'''Special abilities''': Same as the Gygax', but with additional thrusters for space navigation.
'''Armor''': 40 melee, 40 bullet, 50 laser, 35 energy, 20 bomb. 35.000°K max temperature. Has a low chance to deflect attacks.
'''Integrity:''' 300
'''Description:''' A modified Gygax used for nefarious purposes.<br> It starts off with the LBX AC 10 "Scattershot", an antiprojectile and antimelee armor booster, and a Tesla Energy Relay.
====[[File:DarkMarauder.png|64px]] Mauler====
'''Equipment slots''': 5
'''Movement speed''': Very slow.
'''Special abilities''': Same as the Marauder's.
'''Armor''': Same as the Marauder's.
'''Integrity:''' 500
'''Description:''' A modified Marauder used by the Syndicate that's not as maneuverable as the Dark Gygax, but it makes up for that in armor and sheer firepower.<br> Starts off with the Ultra AC 2 LMG, the LBX AC 10 "Scattershot", the SRM-8 missile rack, a Tesla Energy Relay, and an antiprojectile armor booster.
==Exosuit operation and maintenance==
To climb into an exosuit, just drag and drop your character onto it.
====Exosuit beacons====
Adding a tracking beacon (exofab "Misc" category) to a mech allows the RD's exosuit control console to track the mech, view detailed stats, message the pilot and even EMP it when neccessary. The EMP is reusable after a cooldown of 10 seconds.
Research can also unlock an AI control beacon that lets the AI - you guessed it - control the exosuit. Be warned that being inside a mech while it is destroyed as AI will lead to death! An AI with "[[Guide_to_malfunction|Alternative Programming]]" can forcefully hijack a mech with a purchasable upgrade
When an exosuit is hit by an EMP-effect it will take burn damage, lose some battery charge and have all its equipment disabled for 3 seconds.
====Locking/unlocking Exosuits====
There are two ways to lock exosuit: A) ID ("keycode") lock or B) DNA lock.
A) '''ID lock (keycode)''':
Adding a keycode to a mech will grant it access to that area, but will also prevent anyone without that access from entering the mech.
For example: A mech with "bridge" and "robotics" keycodes has access to both areas, but requires an ID card with at least bridge and robotics access to enter.
* Enter the exosuit and unlock the ID upload panel.
* Exit the exosuit.
* Use an ID card/PDA on exosuit and select "Edit operation keycodes".
B) '''DNA lock''':
DNA locking only allows the person matching the recorded Unique Enzymes (UE) to enter the mech.
This can be abused by Changelings and crafty Geneticists! Another downside is that you will be locked out if you swap bodies.
* Enter the exosuit and open the stats menu.
* Under Permissions&Logging, click "DNA-lock".
* To remove the lock, hit "[ Reset ]" next to your DNA string under "DNA-locked:".
====Exosuit Damage and Repairs====
For external damage to the exosuit, simply use a welder on it. When a mech takes damage while its integrity is below a certain threshold, it has a chance to break internally. The reports for internal damage can be seen in the stats window.
'''Internal Fire:''' An internal fire will heat the air in the cabin and in the air tank, potentially causing a breach. It has a chance to fix itself if the life support system is functional.
'''Life Support System Malfunction:''' A malfunction in the life support system will prevent the mech from regulating the temperature brought into the cabin from the internal air tank. It can be fixed by using a screwdriver on it or with a repair droid.
'''Gas Tank Breach:''' A gas tank breach will cause the contents of the internal tank to be leaked into the environment. It can be fixed by using a welder on the mech if it also has external damage or with a repair droid.
'''Coordination System Calibration Failure:''' A failure in the coordination system will cause the mech to move randomly and can cause the mech to miss its targets. It can be fixed by clicking "Recalibrate" in the damage report.
'''Short Circuit:''' A short circuit failure will cause the installed power cell to lose charge and damages it so that its maximum charge decreases. It also prevents repair droids and tesla relays from working. It can be repaired by using wires on the mech while its power unit hatch is open (see battery replacement steps).
====Exosuit Battery, Capacitor and Scanning Module Replacement====
{{Anchor|Exosuit Battery Replacement}}
[[File:Exosuit_maintenance_menu.png|thumb|400px|right|This is the menu that pops up after using the following on the mech: 1. A valid robotics access ID, 2. wrench, 3. crowbar, 4. a valid ID again.]]
# Make sure maintenance protocols are permitted (Permissions&Logging inside the mech).
# [[File:Id_regular.png]] Hit the exosuit with your ID card or PDA with ID inside and select "Initiate maintenance protocol".
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Crowbar.png|Crowbar]] Crowbar
# Click "Drop power cell", "Drop capacitor" or "Drop scanning module" in the menu, depending on which part you want to replace.
# [[File:Hud-hands.gif]] Pick up the old part from the floor and discard it.
# [[File:Power_cell.png]] New Battery, capacitor or scanning module
# [[File:Crowbar.png|Crowbar]] Crowbar
# [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench
# [[File:Id_regular.png]] ID Card and select "Terminate maintenance protocol".
# Optional: Forbid maintenance protocol from inside the mech.
==Exosuit Equipment==
Various tools and weapons can be attached to exosuits, providng them with ability to perform different tasks. Exosuit equipment is built by Exosuit Fabricator ("Exosuit Equipment" menu).
To attach a tool or weapon, simply click with it on the exosuit.
====Generic Exosuit Equipment====
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="80%" style="background-color:#EEEEFF;" class="wikitable sortable"
!style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" width=200|Equipment
!style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" |Description
![[File:Exosuit drill.png]] Drill
|The drill can completely destroy most objects (with the exception of reinforced walls) and kill people who stand still within a few seconds.<br>
When used for mining, the targeted and two adjacent mineral deposits will be drilled. Drills are rarely used for mining once Plasma Cutters become available.<br>
Can't be attached to the Odysseus.
![[File:Mecha diamond drill.png]] Diamond Drill
|Essentially an upgraded drill that's faster and much stronger - you can go right through minerals and reinforced walls.<br>
Can't be attached to the Odysseus.
![[File:MiningScanner.png]] Exosuit Mining Scanner
|A mech-mounted version of an advanced mining scanner with the same range, but less than half the cooldown. Is always active once attached.
![[File:Mecha teleporter.png]] Mounted Teleporter
|A mounted teleporter that can teleport the exosuit to any location in view.
![[File:Mecha teleporter.png]] Mounted Gravitational Catapult
|Can be used to throw objects around ('''S'''ling mode) or blast anything away from a targeted area ('''P'''ush mode).
![[File:Wormhole generator.gif]] Exosuit Wormhole Generator
|As the name implies, the wormhole generator creates a wormhole (similar to ones spawned by Space-Time Anomaly events) at a targeted location.
![[File:Mounted RCD.png]] Mounted RCD
|An exosuit-mounted Rapid Construction Device. Rapidly drains battery charge, but can deconstruct reinforced walls.
![[File:Armor booster module.png]] Armor Booster Module (Close Combat Weaponry)
|Boosts exosuit armor against armed melee attacks. Requires energy to operate.
![[File:Armor booster module.png]] Armor Booster Module (Ranged Weaponry)
|Boosts exosuit armor against ranged attacks. Completely blocks taser shots. Requires energy to operate.
![[File:Repair droid.png]] Repair Droid
|Automated repair droid. Scans exosuit for damage and repairs it. Can fix almost all types of external or internal damage.
![[File:Mecha_plasmacutter.png]] 217-D Heavy Plasma Cutter
|Cuts through solid rock and can dismember unlucky targets. More effective in low pressure environments.<br> Longer range and higher damage than portable cutters.
![[File:Energy relay.png]] Exosuit Energy Relay
|Wirelessly drains energy from any APC's available power channel in the area. Not very effective.
![[File:Energy relay.png]] Exosuit Plasma Converter
|Generates power using solid plasma sheets as fuel. Occasionally releases clouds of plasma that may catch on fire.
====Specialized Exosuit Equipment====
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="80%" style="background-color:#EEEEFF;" class="wikitable sortable"
!style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" width=200|Equipment
!style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" |Description
!style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" width=200|Can be attached to
![[File:Hydraulic clamp.png]] Hydraulic Clamp
|Gives it an ability to load objects into a cargo compartment, or lets you crush people with it.<br> Great in combination with an ore box - nearby minerals will be loaded straight into the box.
!Ripley, Firefighter
![[File:Exosuit extinguisher.png]] Exosuit Extinguisher
|Exosuit-mounted extinguisher. Holds up to 1.000 units and can be refilled by clicking on a water tank.
!Ripley, Clarke, Firefighter
!Exosuit Proto-kinetic Accelerator
|An exosuit-mounted mining tool that does increased damage in low pressure. Drawing from an onboard power source allows it to project further than the handheld version.
!All (except combat mechs?)
![[File:Sgun.png]] Exosuit Syringe Gun
|Exosuit-mounted chem synthesizer with syringe gun. Reagents inside are held in stasis, so no reactions will occur until the syringe injects someone.<br> Can scan and produce most reagents - these will be available for syringes and the mounted sleeper. To load syringes, click on syringe boxes or individual syringes with the gun selected.<br> Reagent synthesis has to be manually started by opening the equipment tab of the mech's status menu.
![[File:Sleeper.gif]] Mounted Sleeper
|Exo-suit mounted sleeper that stabilizes patients inside and lets you inject chemicals that were produced by the mounted syringe gun.<br> Can also be used to abduct people and keep them sedated.
![[File:Mecha_medigun.png]] Medigun
|Exo-suit mounted medigun which gradually heals people it's used on. Don't cross the streams!
!RCS thruster package
|A set of thrusters that allow for exosuit movement in zero-gravity environments, by expelling gas from the internal life support tank.
!All with internal tank
====Exosuit Weapons====
Install a weapon by printing it from an exosuit fabricator and then hitting the finished mech with it. Some weapons require you to refill their ammo manually. To do this, print corresponding ammo boxes from an exosuit fabricator or from the security [[Guide_to_Research_and_Development#Techfab|techfab]], and then use them on the fininished mech. Each ammo box will fill the weapon with the same amount as the "starting ammo".
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="80%" style="background-color:#EEEEFF;" class="wikitable sortable"
!style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" width=200|Weapon
!style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" |Description
!style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" |Energy drain or starting ammo/max ammo
!style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" |Cooldown in seconds
!style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" width=200|Can be attached to
![[File:CH-LC "Solaris" laser cannon.png]] CH-PS "Immolator" Laser
|Fires a Laser bolt, identical to laser rifles.
|30 energy per shot
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:CH-LC "Solaris" laser cannon.png]] CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Cannon
|Fires a Heavy Laser bolt, identical to the laser cannon.
|60 energy per shot
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:MKIV ion heavy cannon.png]] mkIV Ion Heavy Cannon
|Fires a Ion bolt, identical to ion rifles. Don't hit yourself!
|120 energy per shot
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:EZ-13_MK2_heavy_pulse_rifle.png]] eZ-13 mk2 Heavy pulse rifle
|Fires a heavy pulse laser. [[Death Squad]] only.
|120 energy per shot
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:Mecha_disabler.png]] "Peacemaker" Disabler
|Fires basic disabler beams.
|30 energy per shot
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and  Phazon
![[File:LBX AC 10 "Scattershot".png]] LBX AC 10 "Scattershot"
|Fires four bullets in a spread pattern, 20 damage each.
|40 / 160
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:Ultra AC 2.png]] Ultra AC 2
|Fires a three shot burst of 20 damage bullets.
|300 / 1200
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:SRM-8 missile rack.png]] SRM-8 Missile Rack
|Fires a missile which will explode on impact. Tubes must be reloaded from the outside. Can not be researched or constructed by station.
|8 / 8
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:BRM-6_missile_rack.png]] BRM-6 Missile Rack
|Launches low-explosive breaching missiles designed to explode only when striking a sturdy target. Does not explode unless hitting a wall, door, shutter, or another mech. Does 30 damage to soft targets. Tubes must be reloaded from the outside.
|6 / 6
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:MKIV ion heavy cannon.png]] MKI Tesla Cannon
|Fires a tesla ball that arcs off anything it hits. Causes EMP as well.
|500 energy per shot
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:SGL-6 grenade launcher.png]] SGL-6 Grenade Launcher
|Launches a flashbang at medium range.
|6 / 24
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:SGL-6 grenade launcher.png]] SOB-3 Grenade Launcher
|Launches a cluster of flashbangs at medium range. Must be reloaded from the outside.
|3 / 3
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:Hades-Carbine.png]] FNX-99 "Hades" Carbine
|Shoots incendiary bullets that leave a burning trail.
|24 / 96
!Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon
![[File:Banana mortar.png]] Banana Mortar
|Launches a banana peel. Very annoying, thus, fun.
|100 energy per shot, 15 shots
![[File:Mousetrap mortar.png]] Mousetrap Mortar
|Launches an armed mousetrap.
|100 energy per shot, 15 shots
![[File:HoNkER BlAsT 5000.png]] HoNkER BlAsT 5000
|Creates a loud honk sound which will deafen, stun and paralyze your target and everybody around.
|200 energy per shot
![[File:Mecha punching glove.png]] Oingo Boingo Punch-face
|Launches a boxing glove that can punch airlocks right out of their frames.
|250 energy per punch or 500 per shot, 10 shots

07.42, 9 Ağustos 2023 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli