Komuta Eşyaları Rehberi: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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JosephFox0 (mesaj | katkılar)
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k typo mistake
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1. satır: 1. satır:

== Tüm komutanın sahip oldukları ==

=== Ekipmanlar ===
=General =
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15. satır: 13. satır:
!Telescopic Baton
!Telescopic Baton
|Otherwise known as a Telebaton. A compact yet extremely robust personal defense weapon. Can be concealed when folded. Every Head of Staff except for the Head of Security gets one.
|Telebaton olarakta bilinir. hem cebe sığabilen hemde vurdu mu yere seren çok güçlü bir savunma ve saldırı aletidir. uzuyup kısalabilir uzun halinde cebe girmez fakat kısa halinde vurmak için kullanılamaz. Head of security dışı tüm komuta üyeleri bu batonla başlarlar .
'''For more info check [[Security items]].'''
'''Daha fazla bilgi için [[Security ekipmanları]].'''
|On every Head of Staff.
|Tüm komutada bulunur.
(Except Head of Security)
(Head of Security istisnası dışı)
|Flashes are small devices capable of producing an extremely bright light that is capable of blinding, dealing stamina damage and [[Status Effects#Paralyze|paralyzing]] someone, if clicked directly on them from the front or side in melee range.
|Flashlar tek dokunuşla insanları kör edebilecek kadar ışık saçan tehlikeli aletlerdir , flash ile vurulan kişi stamina hasarı yer geçici olarak kör olur ve paralize olur , tabii ki kişinin yüzü dönük iken kullanmanız gerekiyor.
'''For more info check [[Security items]].'''
'''daha fazla bilgi için[[Security items]].'''
|On HOS, In a closet of CMO, RD, HOP.
|Hos'un üzerinde, cmo,rd,hop ve ce'nin dolabında bulunur.
At Bridge.
ekstra olarak bridge'de de bulunur.
!Camera and Photo Album
|Head of Staff get their unique photo albums, the unique function of them is that photos in them save from round to round (Expect if it was burned or exploded). Make sure to save memoriable and great moments for other heads! Leave guides or tips.
|In every head of Staff locker. In Head of Staffs office
|A device that comes with several variants of look (Command, Security, Cargo), a megaphone is used to project your messages in chat just like if you used radio with turned on high-volume (Alt-click headset). Useful when you're trying to get attention of someone in a very loud room. Have a cooldown between uses.
|In every Head of Staff locker.
(Except Captain)
![[File:Pet collar.png|63px]]
[[File:Pet carrier.png|64px]]
!Pet Collar and Pet Cage
|The pet cage is used for safe transportation of pets, and can be locked. The pet collar is used to name pets with the name you want (doesn't always work). Remember to take your pets to the shuttle when you inevitably evacuate the station! (As long as they're not dead...)
|In every Head of Staff locker.
(Except HOS, CE and RD)
!Güneş gözlükleri
|Gives defense against flashes and welding eye damage, and also just looks badass. Some Heads of Staff get sunglasses equipped roundstart, or have them spawn in their locker. However if you don't, its probably not that difficult to get the [[Warden]] to give you some.
|Gözü flaştan ve  kaynak makinesinin parlamasından koruyan 21.yüzyıldan çıkma bir icat, AYRICA ÇOK HAVALI!!. Quartermaster, Captain ile Head of Personal gözlükle başlar , fakat eğer gözlüğün yoksa bile bulmak zor değildir çünkü kimse bir komutanın flasha sahip asistan tarafından dövülmesini istemez.
|On HOP, Captain.
In a HOS locker.{{citation needed|date=November 2023}}
!Brig and Bridge Access
|The Bridge is reserved for Command staff, and as such it is one of the safest areas on the station. It boasts an impressive array of consoles.
Heads of Staff also get basic access to security, which can be very useful if you need to regroup with someone who won't [[revolutionary|murder you]].
|In every Head of Staff ID.

=The Captain=

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69. satır: 41. satır:
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#898109;" |Info
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#898109;" |Info
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#898109;" |Spawns
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#898109;" |Spawns
!All Access ID
|The Captain is the only person on station to have access to the entire station at round start. From the depths of maintenance to his private quarters in the bridge, the captain can go anywhere.
|On the Captain, with a spare copy in the bridge safe. Keep that spare away from any person who might want it.
!Nuclear Authentication Disk
!Nuclear Authentication Disk
|Arguably the sole job of the Captain is to guard this! This disk is required to detonate a NT brand nuclear warhead. Leaving this on your desk increases the risk of the station being nuked. [[Nuclear Operative]]s want this.
|Kaptanın kendisine verilen tek görevi olan o disk işte bu disk. Bu diski masanda unutman komik sonuçlar doğurur -nükleer patlama gibi.
|In the Captain's Quarters.
|Kaptan odasında.
!Hand Teleporter
!Hand Teleporter
|A unique device capable of teleporting the user to either a pre-set beacon or to a random location near the user. Dangerous, as it could launch you into space, but a great escape tool. [[Traitor]]s might want this.
|Herhangi bir konfigüre edilmiş teleportera veya rastgele bir yere ışınlayan bir el ışınlayıcısı -rastgele bir yere ışınlanmak seni bir Zzzz sineğe çevirebilir zzz.  
|In the Captain's Quarters.
|Kaptan odasında ve teleporter odasında.
!Energy Gun
|The Captain is one of four people who has access to an Energy Gun at round start. This weapon serves as a powerful self-defence tool.
|In the Captain's Personal Locker.
!Captain's Antique Laser Gun
!Captain's Antique Laser Gun
|The prized weapon of the Captain, and the target of many enemy forces. Similar to the laser gun except it's self-recharging. [[Traitor]]s might want this.
|Kaptanın efsanevi lazer silahı hem güçlü lazerler atar hem de kendi kendine sarj olur
|In a locked display case in the Captain's Quarters.
|Kaptanın odasında bulunan cam kutuda kaptanını bekler.
!Command Door Remote
|A tool that can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any door that requires command access.
|In the Captain's Personal Locker.
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110. satır: 67. satır:
![[File:Magnate.png|64 px]]
![[File:Magnate.png|64 px]]
!Captain's [[MODsuits#Magnate_MODsuit|Magnate MODsuit]]
!Captain's [[MODsuits#Magnate_MODsuit|Magnate MODsuit]]
|An advanced MODsuit that provides the highest protection of any armor on the entire station. Comes with a built-in helmet. But gives decent slowdown.
|Gelişmiş bir ModSuittir güçlü bir jetpack, şapka dengeleyici modül gibi şeyler ile gelir ve içinde güzel hissettirmesi için yün olduğu hakkında duyumlar vardır.
|Captain's Suit Storage Unit.
!Captain's Jetpack
!Captain's Jetpack
|The [[Captain]] has a unique oxygen-filled jetpack that can fit in a backpack while containing more gas than typical jetpacks. Found in the suit storage in captain's office. Often sought by [[Traitor]]s.
|Kaptanın Oksijen ile çalışan özel jetpacki. İşte bu harika... tabii ki hainler bunu istemekte haklı.
|Captain's Suit Storage Unit.
!Captain's Gasmask
!Captain's Gasmask
|A atmospherics gas mask but in captain colors. Atmospherics gas mask are smaller so they can be put in pocket, they also have additional heat protection.
|Kaptan olduğunu belli eden havalı gaz masken... tek işi bu.
|In the Captain's Personal Locker.
![[File:Captain's Cap.png|64 px]]
[[File:Captain's Carapace.png|64 px]]
!'''Captain's Hat/Carapace'''
|A special armor vest and hat unique to the Captain. Offers far greater protection than most armor, and displays your authority to the crew. There is also a parade variant in your locker '''(Not a parade tunic!).'''
|On the Captain
In the Captain Locker.
=Head of Personnel=
=Head of Personal=

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144. satır: 90. satır:
|Arguably the sole job of the Head of Personnel is to guard him!
|Bu hayvanı korumak HoP'un onurudur.
|Head of Personnel Office
!Energy Gun
|The Head of Personnel is one of four people who have access to a Energy Gun. This weapon is a powerful self-defence tool.
|Head of Personnel Office
!Civilian Door Remote
|A civilian door remote tool. It can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions of any civilian level doors, usually meaning general access doors that everyone has access to.
|In the Head of Personnel Personal Locker
![[File:Trapdoor remote 64x64.png|link=https://tgstation13.org/wiki/File:Trapdoor%20remote%2064x64.png]]
!Trapdoor Remote
|A trapdoor remote which allows you to activate a trapdoor in your HOP line, which will make a person standing on it fall into [[Z-level]] below. Use it when someone is extremely annoying at line doesn't want to leave.
|Head of Personnel Office. ([[Tramstation]], [[IceboxStation|IceBoxstation]])
![[File:Id_console.gif|64 px]]
![[File:Id_console.gif|64 px]]
[[File:PDA Painter.png|64 px]]
[[File:PDA Painter.png|64 px]]
!ID Console and PDA Painter Access
!ID Console and PDA Painter Access
|Not a real equipment buta VERY powerful tool. With it you can change people access and trims! You can make himself several cards of various jobs and (almost) have a AA! If you will be able to get silver ID's from Captain (Or buy them in cargo, print at service techfab) you will have trully AA with all Heads of Staff trims! (Except Captain)
|HoP'un tek işi olan id basma görevini yerine getirmesi için gereken aletler. Pda ile id painter ile istediğin trimi basarsın  sonra id console ile yetkileri verirsin. Tüm yetkileri verebileceğin çok güçlü bir bilgisiyardır (kaptan yetkisi harici)
|Head of Personnel Office.
|Head of Personnel Office.
Head of Personnel ID.
Head of Personnel ID.
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! scope="col" style="background-color:#0066c6;" |Item
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! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#0066c6;" |Spawns
![[File:Head of Personnel's Cap.png|64 px]]
!Head of Personnel's Coat/Cap
|While not the best armour on the station, it is still better than what most people get. Also your peaked cap gives protection too, but unlike helmet it gives it with a taste of fashion.
|In the Head of Personnel Personal Locker.
On Head of Personnel

=Head of Security=
=Head of Security=

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197. satır: 109. satır:
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#8c0b0b;" |Info
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#8c0b0b;" |Info
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#8c0b0b;" |Spawns
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#8c0b0b;" |Spawns
!Energy Gun
|The Head of Security is the one of the only people on station who spawn with a Energy Gun at shift start. Great for self defence, lethal or non-lethal.
|On Head of Security.
!X-01 Multiphase Energy Gun
!X-01 Multiphase Energy Gun
|Unique firearm only available to the Head of Security. Functions as an upgraded Energy Gun, offering the usage of a 'ion' setting (useful for taking down cyborgs) alongside the standard 'disable' and 'lethal' settings.
|HoS'a özel çok güçlü silah ve üç atış moduna sahip oyunda bulunan iki silahtan biri -pulse rifle ile bu silah-  ion,disable,kill modlarında sıkabilir. İon cyborg ile mechlere, disabler stamina hasarı, kill burn hasarı verir.
|Head of Security Personal Locker.
|Head of Security Personal Locker.
![[File:Telescopic shield.gif|link=https://tgstation13.org/wiki/File:Telescopic%20shield.gif|alt=|64x64px]]
![[File:Telescopic shield.gif|link=https://tgstation13.org/wiki/File:Telescopic%20shield.gif|alt=|64x64px]]
!Telescopic Shield
!Telescopic Shield
|Riot shield that can be retracted to fit inside backpacks.
|Büyüyüp küçülebilen riot shielddır ilk başta hos dolabında olur fakat sonradan lathe aracılığıyla basılır.
|Head of Security Personal Locker.
!Lockbox of Mindshield Implants
|A very useful lockbox during situations such as [[Blood_Cult|Cultists]] or [[Revolutionary|Revolutionaries]].
|Head of Security Personal Locker.
|Head of Security Personal Locker.
![[File:Gangtool red.png|64px|link=https://tgstation13.org/wiki/File:Gangtool_red.png]]
!Security Door Remote
|A security-door remote tool. can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any security door.
|Warden's Personal Locker.
![[File:Guard.png|64 px]]
![[File:Guard.png|64 px]]
[[File:Magicarp.gif|64 px]]
[[File:Magicarp.gif|64 px]]
!Lia or Sergeant Araneus
!Lia or Sergeant Araneus
|A trustworthy companion of any good Head of Security! Lia was an attempt of Nanotrasen to make a killer carp, but it has failed, so they gave it to SS13's Head of Security. Sergeant Araneus is a highly trained spider specially for a Head Security.
|HoS'un eğitimli hayvanlarından ikisi bazı maplerde Lia bazı maplerde Araneus bulunur fakat ikisi de kendisine saldıranlara karşılık verecek kadar cesur ve yeteneklidir.
'''With sentience potion from Xenobiology they can become truly dangerous!'''
|Head of Security Office.
|Head of Security Office.
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237. satır: 133. satır:
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#8c0b0b;" |Info
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#8c0b0b;" |Info
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#8c0b0b;" |Spawns
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:#8c0b0b;" |Spawns
![[File:Hos_beret.png|64 px]]
[[File:Armored_trenchcoat.png|64 px]]
!Armoured Trenchcoat/Beret
|Both are the second most powerful pair of armour available on the station, and they suffer from no slow down.
|On Head of Security.
![[File:Safeguardsuit.png|64 px]]
![[File:Safeguardsuit.png|64 px]]
!Head of Security's [[MODsuits#Safeguard_MODsuit|MODsuit]]
!Head of Security's [[MODsuits#Safeguard_MODsuit|MODsuit]]
|Head of Security issued MODsuit. Has slightly more armour than a standard MODsuit and comes with a built-in MODsuit jetpack, allowing for better movement in space.
|HoS ModSuitidir. Kendisine vuranlara pepper spray atar, ittirmelere karşı dayanıklıdır.  
|Head of Security Suit Storage Unit.
|Head of Security Suit Storage Unit.
!SWAT Gas Mask
|A slightly more intimidating gas mask available to the Head of Security. Has more hailer voice lines.
|Head of Security Personal Locker.

=Research Director=
=Research Director=

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265. satır: 150. satır:
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#872d99;'|Spawns
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#872d99;'|Spawns
![[File:Sci Sign.png|64px]]
!The Research Department
|Not technically an item, but given time, the Research Department is capable of researching & developing powerful and robust equipment. Xenobiology with powergamer extracts and critters spam, Robotics with powerful battle mechs and Toxins with devastating max cap bombs.
{{anchor|1=Laser Pointer}}{{Anchor}}
![[File:Laser pointer.png|64px]]
!Laser Pointer
|Use to blind people or attempt to stun Cyborgs at range. Can be upgraded using a screwdriver and a better laser.
|Research Director Personal Locker.
!Research Door Remote
|A research-door remote tool. can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any research door.
|Research Director Personal Locker.
|A little alien, he had his implanting abilities removed. He's completely harmless but will try to jump on everyone's face. Also doesn't die after detaching from a face. Good for pranks!
|Küçük facehugger... korkma seni dölleyemez fakat yüzüne atlamaktan hoşlanır.
|Research Director Office.
|Research Director Office.
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301. satır: 166. satır:
![[File:Reactive Teleport Armor.png|64px]]
![[File:Reactive Teleport Armor.png|64px]]
!Reactive Teleport armor
!Reactive Teleport armor
|Unique form of armour. If hit by a slight breeze it will teleport its user far away in a random direction. Probably not able to teleport you into space or somewhere covering a space tile. [[Traitor|Traitors]] might want this.
|Özel bir zırhtır, kendisine gelen saldırılarda kullanıcısını yakın bir yere ışınlayan bluespace core'a sahiptir.
|Research Director Personal Locker.
|Research Director Personal Locker.
307. satır: 172. satır:
![[File:Prototype modsuit.png|64 px]]
![[File:Prototype modsuit.png|64 px]]
!Research Director's [[MODsuits#Research_MODsuit|Research MODsuit]]
!Research Director's [[MODsuits#Research_MODsuit|Research MODsuit]]
|A Research MODsuit. Fitted with the best explosive resistant materials known to mankind and has a built-in research scanner that works like Science Goggles do.
|A Research MODsuit.... sanırsam özel bir şeye sahip değil patlama koruması hariç.
|Research Director Suit Storage Unit. (or Toxins testing)
|Research Director Suit Storage Unit.  

=Chief Medical Officer=
=Chief Medical Officer=

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323. satır: 188. satır:
|An air needle autoinjector capable of instantly injecting a target with whatever chemical is loaded. Good for healing, or other non-medical related tasks. Comes pre-loaded with 30 units of omnizine, good for healing any damage. [[Traitor]]s might want this.
|30u Omnizine'e sahip basıldığı kişiyi iyileştirebilen özel bir spray, basıldığı kişiye bekleme süresi olmadan etki eder. zehir koyulabilir.
|Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
|Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
!Medical HUD Autosurgeon
!Medical HUD Autosurgeon
|Single use autosurgeon that will implant whoever uses it first with a medical HUD. Lets you have access to the Medical HUD without having to wear a health scanner HUD.
|Tek kullanımlık medical hud implanttır.
|Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
|Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
!Compact Defibrillator
!Compact Defibrillator
|A scaled down variant of the standard defibrillator. This version can be placed on a user's belt slot for rapid use in the field.
|Kemer olarak kullanılabilen Defibrillator.
|Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
!Medical Door Remote
|A medical-door remote tool. can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any medical door.
|Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
|Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
|The CMO's favorite cat! Usually seen chilling in the CMO's office. Unlike most pets, he can fit in backpacks! Also has a strange pink variant.
|CMO'nun özel kedisi... Meow!
|Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
|Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.


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356. satır: 216. satır:
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#429ab5;" |Spawns
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#429ab5;" |Spawns
![[File:Nitrile gloves.png|64px]]
!Nitrile Gloves
|A pair of nitrile gloves. offers far greater protection from biological contamination than standard latex gloves.
They also allow you to carry and inject people faster.
|Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
![[File:Medical_modsuit.png|64 px]]
![[File:Medical_modsuit.png|64 px]]
!Medical MODsuit
!Medical MODsuit
|Unique MODsuit available to the Chief Medical Officer. Offers no protection from flash based attacks, but has a inbuilt reagent scanner for scanning the contents of chemicals.
|CMO ModSuiti, içinde reagent scanner,medical analyzer ve better grip module bulunur.
|Chief Medical Officer Suit Storage Unit.
|Chief Medical Officer Suit Storage Unit.

373. satır: 225. satır:
=Chief Engineer=
=Chief Engineer=

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383. satır: 235. satır:
![[File:Ce belt.png|64px|link=https://tgstation13.org/wiki/File:Ce_belt.png]]
![[File:Ce belt.png|64px|link=https://tgstation13.org/wiki/File:Ce_belt.png]]
!Chief Engineer's Toolbelt
!Chief Engineer's Toolbelt
|The Chief Engineer's Toolbelt, aside from being snazzy, holds three unique tools that only the Chief Engineer has access to at round start:
|CE'nin deneysel aletler ile başlayan özel kemeri.
*The '''Hand Drill''', a combination of the screwdriver and wrench
Jaws of life = Crowbar ile wirecutterdır ayrıca kapıları zorla açabilir.
*The '''Jaws of Life''', a combination of a crowbar and wirecutters, with the added benefit of being able to force open powered or unpowered doors and cut through handcuffs.
Hand drill = Wrench ile Screwdriverdır
*The '''Experimental Welding Tool''', which holds 40 units of fuel and automatically, and freely, regenerates fuel over time.
Experimental Welder = Kendi kendine dolan 30 u fuele sahiptir.
All tools also work significantly faster than their singular counterparts.
|Chief Engineer.
|On the Chief Engineer.
!Station Blueprints
!Station Blueprints
|A set of blueprints that offer three functions: Renaming areas of the station, showing the user every single action a wire has (such as which wire will depower a door), and showing the user the layout of every single pipe, wire and disposal tube on screen at once. [[Traitor]]s might want this, as well as [[Clown|anyone]] who wants to rename every room to "Primary [[Guide to toxins|Fart]] Storage".
|Oda oluşturma ve odaları yeniden isimlendirme için kullanılan blueprint.
|Chief Engineer Personal Locker.
!Engineering Door Remote
|A engineering-door remote tool, can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any engineering door.
|Chief Engineer Personal Locker.
|Chief Engineer Personal Locker.
|A pet parrot of the Chief Engineering, starts with an Engineering headset on that he'll use to parrot off scripted messages ''and ones he hears from crew''. The headset can be taken off if he annoys Engineers too much, but you can also put on the spare CE headset so he can use a big loud voice on the Common channel! Poly is unable to die, he'll instead just turn into a ghost (and can possess people, making them scream various things).
|Konuşmayı seven evcil papağan. Ona hemen kendi kulaklığını ver ve full sesle commona bağırt.
|Chief Engineer Office.
|Chief Engineer Office.

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417. satır: 263. satır:
![[File:Chief_modsuit.png|64 px]]
![[File:Chief_modsuit.png|64 px]]
!Advanced MODsuit
!Advanced MODsuit
|Unique MODsuit available to the Chief Engineer. Comes with an advanced jetpack that flies faster than the normal blue ones, offers complete protection from fire hazards, near complete protection from radiation, an inbuilt Geiger counter and is reasonably armored.
|CE Modsuit'i , raddan koruma,magboots,jetpack,geiger gibi modulere sahiptir.
|Chief Engineers Suit Storage Unit.
|Chief Engineers Suit Storage Unit.
423. satır: 269. satır:
!Advanced Magboots
!Advanced Magboots
|Unique magboots available to the Chief Engineer. When activated it will not slow down the user, thus allowing the Chief Engineer to move at best speed while on a tile being pushed by space wind, or a tile that is wet. [[Traitor]]s might want these.
|Özel Magbootslardır hem sizi yere sımsıkı yapıştırır hem de sizi yavaşlatmaz.
|Chief Engineer's Suit Storage Unit.
|Chief Engineer's Suit Storage Unit.

429. satır: 275. satır:

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! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:orange;" |Spawns
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:orange;" |Spawns
!Global Positioning System
|Useful for keeping track of your miners wearabouts while on lavaland.
![[File:Departmental Card (Cargo Budget).png|64px|]]
![[File:Departmental Card (Cargo Budget).png|64px|]]
!Departmental Card (Cargo Budget)
!Departmental Card (Cargo Budget)
|Allows you to access Cargo funds. Just like a normal ID you can deposit or <s>embezzle</s> withdraw funds as you please.
|İstasyona direkt para yatırmanı sağlayan bir kart.
Personal Locker
!Rubber Stamps
|GRANTED and DENIED stamps, make sure to stamp shipping manifests appropriately to get some credits back from Central Command.
!Supply Door Remote
|A supply-door remote tool. can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any supply door.
It also has additional Vault Acess.
Personal Locker
Personal Locker
464. satır: 291. satır:
|Cargo's Mascot, due to cargo's antics and the fact he spawns in Cargo Bay instead of QM's Office often leads to this poor creatures death, usually atleast 30 minutes into a shift.
|Çokkkk yavaşşşş ollllaannn birrrr temmmbelll hayyyvaannn.
|Cargo Bay
|Cargo Bay

{| class="wikitable sortable" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1" style="width:80%"
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:orange;" |Icon
! scope="col" style="background-color:orange;" |Item
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:orange;" |Info
! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="background-color:orange;" |Spawns
![[File:Qm cloak.png|64px|]]
|The only unique clothing issued to Quartermasters. Wear it with pride!
Personal Locker


13.28, 15 Mart 2025 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

Tüm komutanın sahip oldukları




Icon Item Info Spawns
Telescopic Baton Telebaton olarakta bilinir. hem cebe sığabilen hemde vurdu mu yere seren çok güçlü bir savunma ve saldırı aletidir. uzuyup kısalabilir uzun halinde cebe girmez fakat kısa halinde vurmak için kullanılamaz. Head of security dışı tüm komuta üyeleri bu batonla başlarlar .

Daha fazla bilgi için Security ekipmanları.

Tüm komutada bulunur.

(Head of Security istisnası dışı)

Flash Flashlar tek dokunuşla insanları kör edebilecek kadar ışık saçan tehlikeli aletlerdir , flash ile vurulan kişi stamina hasarı yer geçici olarak kör olur ve paralize olur , tabii ki kişinin yüzü dönük iken kullanmanız gerekiyor.

daha fazla bilgi içinSecurity items.

Hos'un üzerinde, cmo,rd,hop ve ce'nin dolabında bulunur.

ekstra olarak bridge'de de bulunur.

Güneş gözlükleri Gözü flaştan ve kaynak makinesinin parlamasından koruyan 21.yüzyıldan çıkma bir icat, AYRICA ÇOK HAVALI!!. Quartermaster, Captain ile Head of Personal gözlükle başlar , fakat eğer gözlüğün yoksa bile bulmak zor değildir çünkü kimse bir komutanın flasha sahip asistan tarafından dövülmesini istemez.


Icon Item Info Spawns
Nuclear Authentication Disk Kaptanın kendisine verilen tek görevi olan o disk işte bu disk. Bu diski masanda unutman komik sonuçlar doğurur -nükleer patlama gibi. Kaptan odasında.
Hand Teleporter Herhangi bir konfigüre edilmiş teleportera veya rastgele bir yere ışınlayan bir el ışınlayıcısı -rastgele bir yere ışınlanmak seni bir Zzzz sineğe çevirebilir zzz. Kaptan odasında ve teleporter odasında.
Captain's Antique Laser Gun Kaptanın efsanevi lazer silahı hem güçlü lazerler atar hem de kendi kendine sarj olur Kaptanın odasında bulunan cam kutuda kaptanını bekler.
Icon Item Info Spawns
Captain's Magnate MODsuit Gelişmiş bir ModSuittir güçlü bir jetpack, şapka dengeleyici modül gibi şeyler ile gelir ve içinde güzel hissettirmesi için yün olduğu hakkında duyumlar vardır.
Captain's Jetpack Kaptanın Oksijen ile çalışan özel jetpacki. İşte bu harika... tabii ki hainler bunu istemekte haklı.
Captain's Gasmask Kaptan olduğunu belli eden havalı gaz masken... tek işi bu.

Head of Personal


Icon Item Info Spawns
Ian Bu hayvanı korumak HoP'un onurudur.

ID Console and PDA Painter Access HoP'un tek işi olan id basma görevini yerine getirmesi için gereken aletler. Pda ile id painter ile istediğin trimi basarsın sonra id console ile yetkileri verirsin. Tüm yetkileri verebileceğin çok güçlü bir bilgisiyardır (kaptan yetkisi harici) Head of Personnel Office.

Head of Personnel ID.

Head of Security


Icon Item Info Spawns
X-01 Multiphase Energy Gun HoS'a özel çok güçlü silah ve üç atış moduna sahip oyunda bulunan iki silahtan biri -pulse rifle ile bu silah- ion,disable,kill modlarında sıkabilir. İon cyborg ile mechlere, disabler stamina hasarı, kill burn hasarı verir. Head of Security Personal Locker.
Telescopic Shield Büyüyüp küçülebilen riot shielddır ilk başta hos dolabında olur fakat sonradan lathe aracılığıyla basılır. Head of Security Personal Locker.

Lia or Sergeant Araneus HoS'un eğitimli hayvanlarından ikisi bazı maplerde Lia bazı maplerde Araneus bulunur fakat ikisi de kendisine saldıranlara karşılık verecek kadar cesur ve yeteneklidir. Head of Security Office.


Icon Item Info Spawns
Head of Security's MODsuit HoS ModSuitidir. Kendisine vuranlara pepper spray atar, ittirmelere karşı dayanıklıdır. Head of Security Suit Storage Unit.

Research Director


Icon Item Info Spawns
Lamarr Küçük facehugger... korkma seni dölleyemez fakat yüzüne atlamaktan hoşlanır. Research Director Office.


Icon Item Info Spawns
Reactive Teleport armor Özel bir zırhtır, kendisine gelen saldırılarda kullanıcısını yakın bir yere ışınlayan bluespace core'a sahiptir. Research Director Personal Locker.
Research Director's Research MODsuit A Research MODsuit.... sanırsam özel bir şeye sahip değil patlama koruması hariç. Research Director Suit Storage Unit.

Chief Medical Officer


Icon Item Info Spawns
Hypospray 30u Omnizine'e sahip basıldığı kişiyi iyileştirebilen özel bir spray, basıldığı kişiye bekleme süresi olmadan etki eder. zehir koyulabilir. Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
Medical HUD Autosurgeon Tek kullanımlık medical hud implanttır. Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
Compact Defibrillator Kemer olarak kullanılabilen Defibrillator. Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.
Runtime CMO'nun özel kedisi... Meow! Chief Medical Officer Personal Locker.


Icon Item Info Spawns
Medical MODsuit CMO ModSuiti, içinde reagent scanner,medical analyzer ve better grip module bulunur. Chief Medical Officer Suit Storage Unit.

Chief Engineer


Icon Item Info Spawns
Chief Engineer's Toolbelt CE'nin deneysel aletler ile başlayan özel kemeri.

Jaws of life = Crowbar ile wirecutterdır ayrıca kapıları zorla açabilir. Hand drill = Wrench ile Screwdriverdır Experimental Welder = Kendi kendine dolan 30 u fuele sahiptir.

Chief Engineer.
Station Blueprints Oda oluşturma ve odaları yeniden isimlendirme için kullanılan blueprint. Chief Engineer Personal Locker.
Poly Konuşmayı seven evcil papağan. Ona hemen kendi kulaklığını ver ve full sesle commona bağırt. Chief Engineer Office.


Icon Item Info Spawns
Advanced MODsuit CE Modsuit'i , raddan koruma,magboots,jetpack,geiger gibi modulere sahiptir. Chief Engineers Suit Storage Unit.
Advanced Magboots Özel Magbootslardır hem sizi yere sımsıkı yapıştırır hem de sizi yavaşlatmaz. Chief Engineer's Suit Storage Unit.



Icon Item Info Spawns
Departmental Card (Cargo Budget) İstasyona direkt para yatırmanı sağlayan bir kart. Quartermaster

Personal Locker

Citrus Çokkkk yavaşşşş ollllaannn birrrr temmmbelll hayyyvaannn. Cargo Bay