Circuits Rehberi
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Normal bir Scientist: "Bu ne amına koyayım?!" |
Circuits, insan elinin yapabileceği birçok aksiyonu; uzaktan, otomatik ve hızlı şekilde yapma sanatıdır. Circuits sayesinde; "Ez bırçime" deyince açılan bir kapı, seni tehlikeden uzaklaştıran ve garip sesler çıkartan bir circuit beyin gücünle aktifleştirilen bir Maxcap gibi birçok şey yapmak mümkündür. İyi de, nasıl?
Gerekli Şeyler
Integrated Circuit
Integrated Circuit, bütün devrelerin temelidir. Tek başına çalışmaz. Çalışır hale getirmek için yapmak gereken bazı şeyler vardır.
İlk olarak, içerisine bir Power Cell yerleştirilmelidir. Pilin kalitesine göre şarj kapasitesi de artar. Pili şarj ettikten sonra Integrated Circuit'in içerisine yerleştirin. Integrated Circuit içerisinde bitik bir pil var ise; Screwdriver kullanarak pili çıkartın ve pili değiştirin. Bazı Shell'ler yere sabitleştirilebilir, bu sayede bir pilden şarj almak yerine APC'den şarj alırlar.
Bir component aktifleştiğinde belli bir miktar şarj harcanır. Her componentın ne kadar şarj harcadığını öğrenebilirsiniz.
Integrated Circuit'in çalışabilmesi için, son olarak, bir Shell'e ihtiyaç duyulur.
Shell, Integrated Circuit'in çalışması için zorunludur. Her Shell'in farklı amaçları vardır. Shell'e bağlı olarak, Screwdriver ile kurulması gerekebilir. Integrated Circuit'i Shell'e yerleştirin. Eğer Integrated Circuit'i çıkarmak istiyorsanız Screwdriver kullanabilirsiniz.
Shell'lerin farklı boyutları vardır;
- Küçük: 25 component limiti vardır.
- Orta: 50 component limiti vardır.
- Büyük: 100 component limiti vardır.
- Devasa: 500 component limiti vardır.
Farklı amaçlar taşıyan birçok Shell vardır. (Sinyal tipleri kafanızı karıştırıyorsa buraya gidin.)
İsim | Açıklama | Boyut | Gerekli Araştırma | Kurulması Gerek |
Compact Remote | .En basit taşınabilir Shell. Sadece bir tane çıkış sinyali vardır. Elinizle kullanarak aktifleştirin. | Küçük | Yok | Hayır |
Assembly | Remote Signalling Device'ın sığabildiği her yere sığar. Screwdriver ile sağ tıklayarak "yerleştirme modu"na geçebilirsiniz. | Küçük | Advanced Shell Research | Hayır ve Evet |
Bot | En basit sabit konumlu Shell. Sadece bir tane çıkış sinyali vardır. Elinizle kullanarak aktifleştirin. | Büyük | Advanced Shell Research | Hayır |
Controller | Taşınabilir bir Shell, Compact Remote'un aksine birden fazla çıkış sinyali vardır. Sinyallerini; sol tık ile "primary" sinyali, alt + sol tık ile "alternatif" sinyali, sağ tık ile "ekstra" sinyali şeklinde aktifleştirin. | Orta | Advanced Shell Research | Hayır |
Dispenser | Sabit konumlu bir Shell. Çıkış sinyalleri sana içerisinde ne kadar eşya olduğunu liste şeklinde belirtir, bir eşya eklendiğinde ve çıkarıldığında aktifleşir. Bir eşya almak istiyorsanız makineye elinizle basın ve "Vend" menüsünden istediğinizi seçin. Bir eşya yerleştirmek istiyorsanız sol tık ile elinizdeki eşyayı yerleştirin. | Büyük | Advanced Shell Research | Evet |
Airlock | Circuit ile çalışan bir Airlock. Birçok giriş sinyali vardır; kapatmak için, açmak için, boltlamak için, unboltlamak için. Çıkış sinyalleri ise; bu aksiyonlar olduğunda aktifleşir, kapalı/boltlu olduğunda 1 ve 0 olan sayı sinyali, kapıyla etkileşime geçen en son kişiyi varlık sinyali olarak yollar. | Büyük | Advanced Shell Research | Evet |
Gun | Silah şeklini almış, taşınabilir bir Shell. Sonsuz mermisi vardır. Silahı ateşleyen ve isabet alan şeyi varlık sinyali olarak kaydeder. Aynı zamanda ateşlendiğinde aktifleşen bir sinyal yollar. | Orta | Advanced Shell Research | Hayır |
Money Bot | Sabit konumlu bir Shell. Para alan ve çeken bir makinedir. Çıkış sinyalleri; para alındığında, paranın ne zaman alındığını, ne kadar para alındığını ve total olarak ne kadar paranın olduğunu söyler | Büyük | Advanced Shell Research | Evet |
Scanner Gate | Kimin geçtiğini kaydeden basit bir Shell. | Büyük | Advanced Shell Research | Evet |
Scanner | Taşınabilir bir Shell. Herhangi bir şey üzerinde kullanıldığında, kullanılan şeyi varlık sinyali olarak kaydeder. | Büyük | Advanced Shell Research | Hayır |
Brain-Computer Interface | Elon Musk'ın seveceği türden bir Shell. Daha fazla bilgi için buraya gidin. | Küçük | Brain-Computer Interfaces | Hayır |
Drone | Aynı bir canlı gibi hareket eden bir Shell. Gittiği yönleri temsil eden birçok giriş sinyali vardır. | Büyük | Movable Shell Research | Evet |
Server | Kimsenin kullanmadığı DEVASA bir Shell. | Devasa | Server Technology Research | Evet |
Bazı eşyalara circuit yerleştirilmesi mümkün:
İsim | Açıklama | Boyut |
Camera | Çekilen fotoğrafın; konumu, kordinatları, boyutu gibi işlemleri yapmanızı sağlar. | Küçük |
MOD Circuit Adapter module | Circuit yerleştirmenize olanak sağlayan bir MODSuit modülü. BCI Shell'ine benzer özellikler taşır. MODSuit üzerinde değişikler yapmanıza olanak sağlar. | Büyük |
Synthesizer, Headphones and Spacepods | Otomatik bir şekilde enstrüman çalmanıza olanak sağlar. |
Bir Shell'e Multitool ile erişebilirsiniz. Daha sonra oradan component yerleştirmeniz mümkün.
Sinyal Tipleri
Circuit içerisinde bulunan her şey bu sinyaller tarafından belirlenir. Her sinyalin farklı bir amacı vardır. 7 çeşit sinyal bulunur;
- Sinyal: Elektrik akımı gibi düşünülebilir. Sinyal vermek ya da almak için bu tür kullanılır. Binary DEĞİLDİR.
- Sayı: Herhangi bir sayı. Sinyal vermek için kullanılabilir, 0'ın üzerindeki her sayı sinyal yollar. Bir şart sinyaline de bağlanabilir.
- Şart: Herhangi bir ASCII karakteri/karakterleri. Rakam yazmaya çalışırsanız sayı sinyali şeklinde çalışmaz.
- Varlık: Oyun içerisinde bulunan herhangi bir varlığın kimliği gibi düşünülebilir.
- Liste:Yukarıdaki sinyallerin bir listeye yazılmış halleri. Farklı çeşit listeler farklı çeşit sinyal yollar. Liste içerisindeki sinyaller indekslenerek ortaya çıkarılır.
- Associative Liste: Normal listelerde sayı kullanılarak indeksleme yapılır, bu liste türünde şart kullanılarak yapılır.
- Tablo: Database'lerde kullanılan tarzdan bir liste listesi. Oyun içerisinde, Arrest Console gibi makinelerde kullanılır.
- Her: Yukarıdaki sinyallerin hepsini kabul edebileceğini belirten bir sinyal türü.
- Ayar: Component'ın özelliklerini değiştirmek için kullanılır.
Aşırı bir şekilde basitleştirmek gerekirse: circuit içerisinde daha sonradan kullanacağınız bilgileri kaydetmek için kullanılır. Circuit sistemi içerisinde sol üstte bulunan çark ikonuyla erişilebilir.
Kullanılan Component'lar
Bu listede bulunan bazı componentlar için araştırma yapılması gerekebilir.
İsim | Açıklama |
Access Checker | Takes as an input the numerical list gotten from the Read ID Access component. You can compare it with another numerical list via the "Required Access" input, or by a more legible access chooser menu via the card icon on the top right of the component. If you set the Check Any input to 1, or if in the access chooser UI you change "Access Required" to "One", it'll see if it has any of the accesses listed, instead of making sure that it has all of them. |
Arithmetic | When triggered performs basic mathematical operations: Adding, substracting, multiplying, getting the minimum and getting the maximum. |
Binary Conversion | Turns any number into a sequence of binary digits (which is a way of represent numbers with only two digits- 1 and 0). For example, the input "2" will output the following bits in the following order, from top to bottom: "01000000". Good for obfuscating information or for usage with AND, OR and XOR components. |
Clock | When the input is any number above 0, it'll begin sending the output signal every 0.9 seconds. |
Comparison | When triggered checks two of the inputs to see if they're equal, not equal, lesser than or bigger than the other. The Result output returns either 0 or 1 depending on if the comparison is true or not. |
Concatenation | Combines up to four strings into one string. |
Concatenate List | Turns a list into a string by adding a specified separator between the items. For example, we have a list that has two items, "Item1" and "Item2". If we set the separator as "," then we get "Item1,Item2". If we set the separator as " " (a space), we get "Item1 Item2". |
Decimal Conversion | Converts a binary sequence into a decimal number. For example: The sequence of numbers "01000000" will return 2. Useful for translating stuff made with the Binary Conversion component back into a normal number. |
Delay | When triggered, waits the specified amount of time in seconds, then triggers the output |
Direction | When triggered, will output the direction towards the target entity from the point of view of the shell as either a string or a signal. |
Element Find | When triggered, checks whether the inputted value is on the inputted list, and if so returns either true or false. |
Filter List | Loops through each item on the list, and if the "Next Index" output signal connects to the "Accept Entry" input signal, then the value of that element of the list will be saved to the "Filtered List" output. The "Element" output string outputs the current element, "Index" outputs the index of said element, "Next Index" is triggered when it's time to check the next item in the list, "Filtered list" outputs the list with the filtered items, "On Finished" triggers when the component has gone through all the elements of the list and "On Failed" triggers when the component fails.
Example: I have a list that has the following values: "Item","Item","Clown","Item". I want to remove the "Clown" value from the list while keeping the list format, so I use the Filter List component. I set my string as the "List Input" value, and I connect the "Element" output into a comparison component and I change the comparison option to "=", and I type "Item" into the second input. I connect the "Next Index" output into the "Compare" input, and the "True" output into the "Accept Entry" input, then I trigger the "Trigger" input in the Filter component. The component will then grab the first element in the list, it being the word "Item", then send the "Next Index" component, basically saying "I wanna go to the next item". Before it can move to the next item, however, whatever's connected to "Next Index" must finish, so the comparison input must do the comparison. We check whether if the element is "Item", and yes, it is. So we send a "True" signal, which connects to the "Accept Entry" signal input, which adds the Element into the final Filtered List, then goes to the next element, it being "Item" again, so the same thing will happen. When it gets to "Clown", the Comparison component will return False, and because there's nothing connected to the "False" output, the component ends there, which means that "Accept Entry" is never triggered, so "Clown" is not added to our final list. After all that we can check our output list, and we'll see that it's "Item", "Item", "Item". |
For Each | Same as Filter List, but it does not output a list. Useful for checking if a value is in a list if you do not know at what index that value will be in. |
Format List | Takes in a list and a string, then takes said string and replaces the set of characters "%n" with the respective number on the inputted list (n being the position of the list item).
For example, let's say I have a string list that reads "Bob","27","Unemployed". I set that as the list input, and in the string input I write "Hello! My name is %1, I am %2 years old. I am currently %3". When triggered, it'll output a string that will read "Hello! My name is Bob, I am 27 years old. I am currently unemployed." |
Format Associative List | The same as the item above, but instead you have to use the names linked with the different items in the list. For example: I have an associative list that goes "[Name, Bob], [Age, 27], [Job, Unemployed]". I can in the string input type "%Name" and it'll return "Bob", or type "%Age" and it'll return "27" and so on. |
Get Column | Gets the column of a table and returns it as a list. |
GPS | When triggered, outputs the current position of the shell the Integrated Circuit is in |
Health | When triggered, gets the health and damage amounts of the entity input. |
Voice Activator | Triggers itself whenever it can hear a message, may this message be oral or through a radio. Returns information about said message and the speaker. If the message comes from a radio, you wont be able to get who said the original message. |
ID Access reader | If the entity input is an ID Card, returns all accesses on that ID card as a list of numbers. To make sense of this list, use the Access Checker component. |
ID Getter | Takes an entity input. If said entity input has an ID card, it'll output that ID card as the entity output.. The "Prioritize Hands" number input can either be a 0 or a 1 for false or true. If True, it'll check the ID the entity has in its hands first (if any) before checking anywhere else. |
ID Info Reader | Takes an ID card as its entity input, and outputs all the info on said ID card. |
Index | When triggered, indexes a list to get the value of an item in it. For example, let's say you have a list with the following items: Item1, Item2, Item3 and Item4. If you index the list by 1, you'll get "Item1" as the output. |
Index Associative List | Indexes an associative list via the string index input. |
Index Table | When triggered, indexes a table to get the list located in the index you set as the input. |
Length | When triggered, gets the length of an input. If the input is a list or table, gets how many items it has. If it's a string, gets how many characters it has. If it's a number, retunrs 0. |
Light | Emits light. The "On" input will make the light turn on if the number is anything above 0, and it'll turn off if it is 0. |
List Add | Adds an item to a list variable that you define from the circuit itself. |
Associative List Literal | Lets you create associative lists. Press the plus icon to add an item to the list, and the minus icon to remove the last one in the list. When triggered, joins the inputs into an associative list. |
List Clear | Removes every item from a list variable that you define from the circuit itself. |
List Literal | Lets you create lists. Press the plus icon to add an item to the list, and the minus icon to remove the last one in the list. When triggered, joins the inputs into a list. |
List Remove | Removes an item to a list variable that you define from the circuit itself. |
Logic | When triggered, checks whether if: its inputs are all true (AND), one of its inputs is true (OR), ONLY one of its inputs is true (XOR) |
Material Scanner | Takes any entity as its input and returns an associative list of the amount of each material that the entity input is made out of. They are indexed by the names of the material, so if you use it with an Index Associative List component and you, for example, set the index as "iron", it'll return how much iron is in the entity. For a list of materials, check the materials section of the Guide to Construction. Make sure the index is all lower case. And "Metal" is referred to as "Iron". |
MMI | Let's you add an MMI to the Integrated Circuit. The "Message" and "Send Message" inputs let you send the MMI inside the shell a message that only it can hear. The outputs correspond to the keys in the player controlling the MMI's brain's keyboard: North is Up/W, East is Right/D, South is Down/S, West is Left/A, Attack is Left click and Secondary Attack is Right click. |
Module | If you know programming, this is basically the equivalent of a function. If you don't know programmming, think of it as an integrated circuit inside an integrated circuit. Useful for making circuits look way less messy. You can duplicate these using the Module Duplicator. |
Multiplexer | When triggered, checks to see if the number input is a number from 1 to 4, and if so, chooses the respective input of that number. For example, If I type "Test1" in the "Input 1" Input, and "Test2" in the "Input 2" Input, then change the value in the Input selector to 2, it'll return "Test2". It's as confusing as it sounds. |
Not | If it receives anything other than 0, outputs 0. If it receives exactly 0, outputs 1. |
NTNet Receiver | Recieves data sent through the NTNet network, if Tcomms is destroyed then tough luck. |
NTNet Transmitter | Transmits any kind of data through the NTNet network, if Tcomms is destroyed then tough luck. Data can only be recieved by the NTNet Receiver. |
Proximity Pinpointer | Returns the X, Y and Z co-ordinates of the entity input, but only if it's in view of the shell. |
Pressure Sensor | When triggered, outputs the atmospheric pressure of the exact tile in which the shell is at that time. |
Printer | Prints a given string into a paper. It doesn't dispense the paper, and it triggers once the input string is received. Once it has been received you can get your paper by triggering the "Eject" input signal.waw |
Radio | Sends and receives frequencies from radios or other radio components. |
Random | When triggered, outputs a random number between the minimum and maximum numbers you set as inputs. |
Reagents Scanner | Same thing as the Material Scanner, but for scanning the raegants inside beakers or other liquid containers. |
Router | Copies the Input in the index you set in the Input Selector to the output you set in the Output Selector. For example, If you put the Input Selector to three, and the Output Selector to one, then you input a string into "Input 3" that reads "Arse", then only "Output 1" will output the string "Arse". |
Select Query | For use with USB cables. Gets you the table that matches the column name and comparison input you provide it. For example: You connect it to the security arrests console, and from the arrests database you want to get the info of your friend, Mops-The-Floors. On the Input value, you connect the database output. On the Column Name you type "Name", and on the comparison input you type "Mops-The-Floors". It'll get you the table who's "Name" value matches "Mops-The-Floors". From there you can index it and get its arrest status, its crimes, etc. |
Self | Returns the current shell as an entity. |
Set Variable Trigger | The same thing as the variable setter you get from the variable options tab, but it comes with input and output triggers. |
Sound emitter | Emits a sound. You can choose what sound to emit from the options menu, and you can change both frequency and volume |
Get species | When triggered, returns the species of the entity input as a string. |
Speech | When triggered, says what you inputted in the string input out loud. |
Split | Splits a string by its separator, turning it into a list. For example, you have a string that "Looks like this". By setting the string input to that string, and its separator to a space (" "), you'll get a list that "Looks", "like", "this" |
String Contains | When triggered, checks whether the string you set in the "needle" input is in the string you set in the "haystack" input. For example, if you put "in" as the needle, and "You are in my room" as the haystack, it'll return true, since "in" is in the sentence "You are in my room". |
Temperature Sensor | When triggered, returns the current temperature in the tile the shell currently is in. |
Textcase | When triggered, makes it so that its string input is either all in lowercase or all in UPPERCASE. |
Timepiece | Outputs the current station time. "Time Format" will output the time as XX:XX:XX, "Unit of Time" outputs time as specified in the "Unit of time" input. For example, if the station time is 00:10:08, and you set the unit of time input as "Minutes", then "Unit of Time"'s output will be "10". |
To Number | When triggered, converts a string that's only numbers into a number signal. |
To String | When triggered, converts its output into a string component. If it's output is an entity, it'll return the name of the entity. If the output is a list or table, it'll return "/list". For actually turning a list into a string, look at Concatenate List. |
Trigonometry | A component that has many trigonometric functions. That's as in-depth as I'll go since I hate math with a passion. |
Typecast | If the input value is the Signal type you set in the options, returns the input value. If not, returns nothing. |
Typecheck | When triggered, returns what Signal type the inputted signal is. |
View Sensor | When triggered, returns every single entity the shell can see as a list. Has a 1 second cooldown. |
MOD Action | Only compatible with the MOD Module Shell. When you use the mod circuit adapter component with this component installed (whether via the Mod Interface Panel or the icon on the top-left of your screen), you'll see a radial menu with the icon you selected as the icon input as a clickable button. Clicking this button triggers the output trigger. |
Pathfinder | When triggered, will calculate a path towards the X and Y coordinates you set as inputs. Once calculated, will return a "step" (aka where it has to go next to continue said path). If triggered again when the shell arrived at the step, will output the next step, and so on and so forth. If used with the Direction component, can be used to make a Drone that moves by itself. |
Pull | When triggered, will start pulling the entity input if its right besides it. Only works on Drone shells. |