Head of Personnel

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{{JobPageHeader |headerbgcolor = lightgreen |headerfontcolor = black |stafftype = SERVICE & COMMAND |imagebgcolor = #eeeeff |img_generic = Generic_hop.png |img = Ian.PNG |jobtitle = Head of Personnel |access = Personal Lockers, Aux Base, Bar, Brig, Cargo Bay, Chapel, Crematorium, Bridge, Courtroom, Engineering, EVA, Gateway, Hydroponics, Custodial Closet, Law Office, Library, Maintenance, Medbay, Morgue, Coroner Office, Psychology Office, Research Division, Service Hallway, Teleporter, Theatre, Weapon Permit, ID console access, Head of Personnel's Office. Everywhere else. |additional = N/A |difficulty = Medium |superior = Captain |duties = Altering access on ID cards, manage service department, being Ian's bodyguard, running the station when the captain dies