Blood Cult: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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JosephFox0 (mesaj | katkılar)
JosephFox0 (mesaj | katkılar)
k u
117. satır: 117. satır:
|A potent spell that will stun and mute victims. Simple, clean, and quite effective for a plethora of situations, howewer it becomes significantly weaker the bigger the cult gets:
|Stun atan kırmızı bir el. Cult büyüdükçe etkisi azalır.... Fuu Majinn!
*Before red eyes it [[Status_Effects#Paralyze|paralyzes]] for 16 seconds, mutes for 12 seconds and cult-slurs speech for 30 seconds (from the stun moment).  
*Gözler kırmızı olmadan önce 16 saniye[Status_Effects#Paralyze|paralize] eder, 12 saniye boyunca susturur ve 30 saniye boyunca düzgün cümle kuramaz.
*With red eyes it paralyzes for 9.6 seconds, mutes for 7.2 seconds and cult-slurs speech for 18 seconds.  
*Gözler kırmızı iken 9.6 saniye paralize eder, 7.2 saniye boyunca susturur ve 18 saniye boyunca düzgün cümle kuramaz.  
*With halos it paralyzes for 1.6 seconds, mutes for 1.2 seconds and cult-slurs speech for 3 seconds.
*Halolar var iken 1.6 saniye boyunca paralize eder, 1.2 saniye boyunca susturur ve 3 saniye boyunca düzgün cümle kuramaz
If used on a [[Cyborg|cyborg]] it stuns it as if hit by a heavy EMP regardless of how big the cult is. Anyone that has magic protection or is a [[Heretic|heretic]] is immune to it.
Borglara etki eden stun azalmaz ve Anti-Magiclere etki etmez.
While slurring cult-speak, victims will speak in a disturbing, incomprehensible way. This is usually a dead giveaway that a Cult is onboard when shouted over the radio (unless the [[Bartender]] has been handing out way too many [[Guide to food and drinks#Narsour|Narsours]]).
|1 sarj , 10 HP
|1 charge, 10 HP
|A useful spell that teleports cultists to a chosen destination with a teleport rune on contact. You can teleport other cultists or yourself if need be.
|Kendini veya başka bir cultisti bir teleport rün'üne ışınlarsın.
|1 charge, 7 HP
|1 sarj, 7 HP
!Electromagnetic Pulse
!Electromagnetic Pulse
|A large spell that allows a user to channel dark energy into an EMP (range 5), causing all electronics in the area to malfunction or be disabled.
|5 tile yarıçaplı EMP atar.
|1 charge, 10 HP
|1 sarj, 10 HP
!Shadow Shackles
!Shadow Shackles
|A stealthy spell that will summon shadowy handcuffs on a person, and temporarily silence your victim for 10 seconds. Used for keeping crew restrained until they can be converted. The restraints will diseappear if the victim is converted.  
|Kişi kelepçelenir ve 10 saniye boyunca susturulur eğer kişi convert edilirse kelepçeler yok olur.
|4 Charges
|4 sarj
!Twisted Construction
!Twisted Construction
|<u>A sinister spell used to convert:</u>  
|<u>Eşyaları dönüştüren bir büyü:</u>  

* Plasteel into Runed Metal.
* Plasteel'i Runed Metal'e.
* 50 Metal into a Construct Shell.
* 50 Metal'i Construct shell'e.
* Cyborgs directly into Constructs.
* Cyborgları Constructlara.
* Cyborg shells into construct shells.
* Cyborg shelleri Construct shellere.
* Airlocks into Brittle Cult Airlocks when on {{Combat_Mode}}. A weaker version of [[#Structures|Runed Airlocks]].
* Airlockları daha güçsüz bir runed door'a dönüştürür.
|1 Charge, 12 HP
|1 sarj, 12 HP
!Summon Ritual Dagger
!Summon Ritual Dagger
|Enables you to summon a ritual dagger used to draw runes, in case you lost yours or forgot to pick it up from the floor when you got converted. Activate the spell and then click yourself.  
|Ritual Dagger'ı çağırmanı sağlar. Büyü elindeyken kendine tıkla.  
|1 Charge
|1 sarj
!Summon Combat Equipment
!Summon Combat Equipment
|A crucial spell that enables you to summon a full set of combat gear including a black jumpsuit, armored robes, a cultist hood, cultist boots, a trophy rack, a Nar'Sien bola, and a spare ritual dagger. Activate the spell and then click yourself. If you are already wearing items in those slots you will only summon the dagger and bola.  
|Cult giysi ve zırhlar ile Nar'Sian bola ev ritual dagger çağırır eğer giysi slotların doluysa giysiler belirmez.
|1 Charge
|1 sarj
|A ranged yet stealthy spell that will break the mind of the victim with nightmarish hallucinations.
|Hedeflediğin kişiye halisünasyon gösterir. -İşe yaramaz-
In practice its useless af.
|4 sarj
|4 Charges
!Conceal Presence
!Conceal Presence
|A multi-function spell that alternates between hiding and revealing nearby runes and cult [[#Structures|structures]]. You can still teleport to concealed teleport runes and prepare blood magic on concealed empower runes. Will make [[#Structures|runed airlocks]] look like basic [[Maintenance|maintenance airlocks]] but only cultists will have access. Has a range of 5 tiles. It can trick even the better of the crew into thinking there is nothing in your base.
|Rünleri ve runed airlockları gizler -5 tile mesafe- yeniden kullanılırsa gizli moddan çıkarlar. Gizli haldeyken empower ve teleport rünleri kullanılabilir ve cult airlocku ise non-cultistlere yaptığı etki kalkar ve sadece cultistlere açılan normal kapı gibi davranır.
|10 Charges
|10 sarj
!Blood Rites
!Blood Rites
|A unique multi-function spell that allows you to gather blood from the floor, or from live victims (50 per drain). Then, you can expend the blood to heal yourself or others.  
|Yerde bulunan kan ile canlı kişilerden -50ccl- kan çalan bir büyüdür bu kan ile kendini veya diğer cultistleri iyileştirebilir.
<u>Or, you can use the spell in hand to perform a handful of powerful offensive magic attacks:</u>
<u>Ya da ofansif büyüler yaratabilirsin:</u>

# '''Blood Spear (150)''' summons a robust two-handed blood halberd that deals 24 brute and can be recalled to your hand from up to 10 tiles away if it has a clear path back to you. The blood halberd can also be thrown, which causes it to shatter, deal 40 brute and stun whoever it hits. It will only shatter if it hits someone.  
# '''Blood Spear (150)''' İki elle kullanılan 24 brute vuran bir balta çıkarır eğer bu balta elinden düşer ise 10 tile mesafeden onu eline geri çağırabilirsin. Bunlara ek olarak baltayı fırlatarak 40 brute ve stun uygulayabilirsin ama bu etkiyi uyguladıktan sonra kırılacaktır.  
# '''Blood Bolt Barrage (300)''' temporarily grants you the ability to launch several powerful projectiles from your hand, similar to the [[Wizard#Arcane Barrage|Wizard's arcane barrage]]. This spell is easier to cast with both hands free since you switch hands after each shot. Each shot deals 20 brute damage and you get 25 of them. Very usefull against very big targets aka mechs and the [[Captain]]'s ego.
# '''Blood Beam (500)''' will cause you to start channeling a powerful ritual. Once the channel is complete, you will launch a series of projectiles in a cone in front of you. These projectiles pierce through structures and will convert any walls, floors, airlocks, and windows they pass through into their cult variant in addition to damaging any non-cultists they pass through. Cultists hit will be induced with unholy water, which heals them. Can be blocked by blessed tiles.  
# '''Blood Bolt Barrage (300)''' 20 Brute vuran 25 tane projectile fırlatır.
|5 Charges
# '''Blood Beam (500)''' Bir süre chargelanıp etrafa ışınlar atarsın bu ışınlar çarptığı yapıları cult versiyonlarına çevirir ve non-cultistlere hasar verir. Cultistler ise ışın tarafından etkilenirler ise kanlarına unholy water girecektir, kutsal suyla yıkanan tile'lardan geçemez.
|5 sarj

02.28, 9 Kasım 2024 tarihindeki hâli

Büyücü Antagonist

Nar'Sie'nin Kan Geometrisi Tarikatçısı
Access: Nereye erişimin bulunuyorsa
Ekstra Access: Teleportation rune bulunan her yer
Zorluk: Ortalama zorluk
Müfettişler: Yüce Nar'Sie, Cult ustası
Görevler: Gerekli adağı adamak ve Nar'Sie'yi çağırmak
Rehberler: Diğer Cultist dostların ve Bu sayfa

"En kadim insan duygusu korkudur ve en kadim korku ise bilinmeyen korkusudur...."

Yeni çağın başlangıcı

Nar'Sie'nin, Kan Geometrisi tarikatının bir tarikatçısı olarak bir sürü kullanabileceğin büyüye sahipsin ve bu büyüler dostlarınla Antik tanrıçanın avatarını çağırmanda çok yardımcı olucak.

Bir cult roundunda 3 cultist ile başlar ve bunla birlikte çantanızda 10 runed metal ile ritual daggera sahip olursunuz, Ritual dagger'ınızı rünlerinizi çizmek için, Runed metali ise cultist base'inizi kurmanız için kullanabilirsiniz. Daha fazla Runed metal için twisted construction büyüsünü plasteel'e basmalısınız.

Cult'un iki amacı olur, 1. amacı sağ üstte gözüken hedefi öldürüp bir offer rününde adamaktır. Bu kişi adandıktan sonra ise 2. hedef olan Nar'Sie çağırma yapılabilir, Nar'Sie çağırmak için önceden belirlenen 3 lokasyondan birine gidip rünü çizmeye başlayın -45 saniye sürecektir- rün çizildikten sonra 9 kişi üstünde durup aktifleştirirseniz Nar'Sie istasyona gelicektir.

Tarikatçı Speedrun Guide

Hiç Cultist olmadın ve acilen yardım mı lazım hemen oku!!

  • İletişim: Sol üstte olan Commune butonu ile diğer cultistlerle iletişime geçebilirsin. -Nar'Sie'ce konuştuğunuz için etrafınızda biri olmadığından emin olun-.
  • Blood Magic: Blood Magic butonuna basarak bir büyü hazırlayabilirsin, bu büyü yapılırken etrafa kan damlattığından nerede yaptığına dikkat et.
  • Cult Bases: Bir cult base'inde olmazsa olmaz şeyler; Runed Metal ile: Altar,Pylon,Forge , Rune ile: Teleport,Offer,Empower,Revive.
  • Rünler: Düz Blood Magic ile 1 büyü yapabilirken Empower rünü ile 4 tane büyü hazırlayabilirsin.
  • Dönüştürme: Hazırladığın Stun büyüsü ile birini kaçır ve offer rününe yatır. 2 kişi offer rünü yanında durarak kişiyi cultist yapabilirsiniz. -Eğer ölü veya msli ise kendisi soulstone olucaktır-.
  • Yapılar: Pylon cultistleri iyileştirir, Forge silah ve zırh yapar, Altar ise şu üç şeyi yapar 1-Unholy Water: İçersen iyileşirsin 2-Whetstone: silahına basarsan keskinleşir 3-Construct shell: Soulstone takar isen Construct olur.
  • Koridorda Adam Kesmece: Eninde sonunda ortaya çıkıcaksınız. Ortaya çıktığınız an zırh ve kılıçları alıp koridorda gördüğünüzü dövüp offer rününde convertleyin.
  • Nar'Sie Çağırmaca: Hedefinizi adayın. 3 yerden birinde rünü çizin. 9 kişi rüne çıkın. NAR'SIE YÜKSELECEK!!

Cult Ustası ve Sen

Cult Ustası Cultun yöneticisidir emirlerini dinlemelisin.

IMPORTANT: Cult ustası Final Reckoning denen ve tek kullanımlık herkesi yanına ışınlayan kadim bir büyüye sahiptir. Tek kullanım olduğundan Nar'Sie çağırmaya başlamadan önce Master seçmenizi önermem.

Usta nasıl oluyoz!

Sol üstte Assert Leadership butonun bastığında kısa süre sonra tüm cult'a bir oylama gelicektir, yeterli oyu alırsanız Cult Ustası olucaksınız!

Bilek Kesme Sanatı!

Cult Ustası olmak, Nar'Sie'ye tapmak dışı Departman şefi olmak gibidir. Tüm Cultistlere bağırın ve emir verin -Sizi dinlemelerini umun-

Cult Ustası olduğunuzda Commune ile konuştuğunuzda sesiniz aynı command kulaklığı gibi büyük gidecektir.

Cult Ustası Speedrun Guide

  1. Gizli base
  2. Saklanma yerine geleni döv
  3. Spirit Realm ile info aktar
  4. Base'de dur
  5. Altar ve Forgelar ile eşya spamla
  6. Dostlarını yönet
  7. Nar'Sie Rününe tple herkesi

Cult Ustasının güçleri

Cult Ustasının üç gücü vardır

Name Description Cooldown
Final Reckoning Tek kullanımlık tüm cultistleri olduğun noktaya çağıran bir büyü, Nar'Sie çağırılabilen yerde kullanılamaz. Tek kullanımlıktır. TEK KULLANIM
Mark Target Bir oyuncuyu 90 saniye boyunca hedef olarak belirle. Eğer başarılı olursa etkilenen kişinin konumu ile ismini tüm cultistlere yollar.

120 saniye cooldown.

120 Saniye
Eldritch Pulse Bir cultist veya cult yapısını zaman ve mekan içinde başka bir yere yolla.

15 Saniye cooldown.

15 Saniye

Ritüel Bıçağı

Bıçağının bir kaç fonksiyonu vardır:

  • Rün çizebilirsin.
  • Cultistlere vurarak kanlarında olan Holy Water'ı silebilirsin.
  • Cultist olmayanlara 15 brute damage verir.
  • Rünlere vurarak onları silebilirsin.
  • Cult yapılarına vurmak onları anchorlar.
  • Runed Girder'a vurarak parçalayabilirsin
  • Yüzde 25 blok şansı.

Kan Büyüleri

Name Description Health Cost/No. of Charges
Stun Stun atan kırmızı bir el. Cult büyüdükçe etkisi azalır.... Fuu Majinn!
  • Gözler kırmızı olmadan önce 16 saniye[Status_Effects#Paralyze|paralize] eder, 12 saniye boyunca susturur ve 30 saniye boyunca düzgün cümle kuramaz.
  • Gözler kırmızı iken 9.6 saniye paralize eder, 7.2 saniye boyunca susturur ve 18 saniye boyunca düzgün cümle kuramaz.
  • Halolar var iken 1.6 saniye boyunca paralize eder, 1.2 saniye boyunca susturur ve 3 saniye boyunca düzgün cümle kuramaz

Borglara etki eden stun azalmaz ve Anti-Magiclere etki etmez.

1 sarj , 10 HP
Teleport Kendini veya başka bir cultisti bir teleport rün'üne ışınlarsın. 1 sarj, 7 HP
Electromagnetic Pulse 5 tile yarıçaplı EMP atar. 1 sarj, 10 HP
Shadow Shackles Kişi kelepçelenir ve 10 saniye boyunca susturulur eğer kişi convert edilirse kelepçeler yok olur. 4 sarj
Twisted Construction Eşyaları dönüştüren bir büyü:
  • Plasteel'i Runed Metal'e.
  • 50 Metal'i Construct shell'e.
  • Cyborgları Constructlara.
  • Cyborg shelleri Construct shellere.
  • Airlockları daha güçsüz bir runed door'a dönüştürür.
1 sarj, 12 HP
Summon Ritual Dagger Ritual Dagger'ı çağırmanı sağlar. Büyü elindeyken kendine tıkla. 1 sarj
Summon Combat Equipment Cult giysi ve zırhlar ile Nar'Sian bola ev ritual dagger çağırır eğer giysi slotların doluysa giysiler belirmez. 1 sarj
Hallucinations Hedeflediğin kişiye halisünasyon gösterir. -İşe yaramaz- 4 sarj
Conceal Presence Rünleri ve runed airlockları gizler -5 tile mesafe- yeniden kullanılırsa gizli moddan çıkarlar. Gizli haldeyken empower ve teleport rünleri kullanılabilir ve cult airlocku ise non-cultistlere yaptığı etki kalkar ve sadece cultistlere açılan normal kapı gibi davranır. 10 sarj
Blood Rites Yerde bulunan kan ile canlı kişilerden -50ccl- kan çalan bir büyüdür bu kan ile kendini veya diğer cultistleri iyileştirebilir.

Ya da ofansif büyüler yaratabilirsin:

  1. Blood Spear (150) İki elle kullanılan 24 brute vuran bir balta çıkarır eğer bu balta elinden düşer ise 10 tile mesafeden onu eline geri çağırabilirsin. Bunlara ek olarak baltayı fırlatarak 40 brute ve stun uygulayabilirsin ama bu etkiyi uyguladıktan sonra kırılacaktır.
  1. Blood Bolt Barrage (300) 20 Brute vuran 25 tane projectile fırlatır.
  1. Blood Beam (500) Bir süre chargelanıp etrafa ışınlar atarsın bu ışınlar çarptığı yapıları cult versiyonlarına çevirir ve non-cultistlere hasar verir. Cultistler ise ışın tarafından etkilenirler ise kanlarına unholy water girecektir, kutsal suyla yıkanan tile'lardan geçemez.
5 sarj


The Ritual Dagger allows you to scribe any of these runes, using Scribe Rune. Simply pick the rune you want, and wait until completion. Scribing a rune deals minor damage, since you need to cut your wrists to get the necessary blood. Activate a rune by clicking on it.

Name Description Invokers Required Phrase Rune
Offering Rune Instantly converts a normal crewmember on top of it to the cult, healing them for 75% of their brute and burn damage, and spawning a ritual dagger when two cultists stand around the rune. Mindshield-implanted crew cannot be converted, only sacrificed, and need 3 cultists to stand around the rune (but constructs are no less dangerous than humans). - therefore it is recommended that you quickly finish off security victims before their radio or suit sensors can give you away!

If the target is dead, ineligible for conversion or is the required sacrifice target, they'll be sacrificed instead, gibbing them and creating a Soulstone Shard Dosya:Soulstone.png that can be used to power a construct.

The pets of department heads may also be converted, which will turn them into cult pets that will attack any non-cultists they see and will revive dead cultists by dragging them onto revive runes.

1 to sacrifice dead targets, 2 to convert, 3 to sacrifice the objective or living targets Mah'weyh pleggh at e'ntrath!
Empowering Rune Allows cultists to prepare greater amounts of blood magic at far less of a cost. While standing on an empowering rune, the spell count is capped at 4 instead of 1. Additionally, preparing blood magic takes far less time, and you don't lose as much blood while doing it. 1 H'drak v'loso, mir'kanas verbot!
Teleport Rune This rune warps everything above it to another teleport rune when used. Creating a teleport rune will allow you to set a tag for it.
Warning: Teleporting from Lavaland or Space will make the destination rune glow brightly and open a rift in reality that may not only reveal the rune, but the location of your main base as well, choose your rune locations wisely!
1 Sas'so c'arta forbici!
Revive Rune Whenever someone is sacrificed on a Convert rune, they add one (global) charge to this rune. Placing a cultist corpse on the rune and activating it will bring them back to life, expending a hefty three charges in the process. It starts with one freebie revival, so use it sparingly.

Catatonic(disconnected/ghosted) cultists can be reawakened with a new soul by putting them on the Revive rune and activating it. This method of revival does not consume any charges.

1 Pasnar val'keriam usinar. Savrae ines amutan. Yam'toth remium il'tarat!
Barrier Rune When invoked, makes a 5-minute invisible wall to block passage. Can be invoked again to reverse this. Costs 2 brute both to invoke and to deactivate. Has 100 health and the rune is destroyed if the barrier is destroyed. 1 Khari'd! Eske'te tannin!
Summoning Rune This rune allows you to instantly summon any living cultist to the rune, consuming it afterward. This rune will only work on the station, but can grab cultists from almost any location! Does not work on restrained cultists who are buckled or being pulled. 2 N'ath reth sh'yro eth d'rekkathnor!
Blood Boil Rune When invoked, it saps some health from the invokers to send three damaging pulses to any non-cultist who can see the rune, causing 25/50/75 damage split evenly between brute and burn. When the effect is over the rune will briefly set fire to anything over it.

Some species, such as golems, do not have blood, and thus are immune to this rune. People with magic immunity will be unaffected.

3 Dedo ol'btoh!
Rune of the Spirit Realm This rune gives you two powerful options:

(1) To manifest ghosts as semitransparent homunculi, which are effectively weak, humanoid cultists with no self preservation instinct. To sustain these homunculi, you must remain on the rune, and each homunculi you have summoned will deal brute damage over time. This option is only available on the space station itself, as the veil is not weak enough in space or Lavaland to give spirits a physical form. If you get stuck on the rune after summoning a ghost, use your ritual dagger to remove the rune before you get hurt too badly.

(2) To ascend as a dark spirit. This option will give you virtually unlimited knowledge. You can use information given to you by ghosts in this form, commune with the cult with your booming voice, and even mark a target that will be "pinpointed" for the rest of the cult. You can even use this function after manifesting ghosts to help guide them in combat - manifested ghosts can also see regular ghosts and therefore can see your dark spirit as you lead them in battle!

1 Gal'h'rfikk harfrandid mud'gib!
Apocalypse A harbinger of the end times. It scales depending on the crew's strength relative to the cult. Effect includes a massive EMP, unique hallucination for non-cultists, and if the cult is doing poorly, certain events. Similar to the Ritual of Dimensional Rending, the Apocalypse rune can only be scribed in one of the 3 ritual areas. After the Apocalypse rune has been scribed, that particular ritual area can no longer be used to summon Nar'Sie.

If the cult makes up <15% of current players, and an apocalypse rune is scribed, a D100 is rolled

  • If 1 - 10: Disease Outbreak + Mice Migration
  • If 11 - 20: Radiation Storm
  • If 21 - 30: Brand Intelligence
  • If 31 - 40: Immovable Rod x3
  • If 41 - 50: Meteor Wave
  • If 51 - 60: Spider Infestation
  • If 61 - 70: Localized hyper-energetic flux wave, Gravitational anomaly, Pyroclastic anomaly, Localized high-intensity vortex anomaly
  • If 71 - 80: Space Vines, Grey Tide
  • If 81 - 100: Nar'sian Portal Storm
3 Ta'gh fara'qha fel d'amar det!
Ritual of Dimensional Rending This rune tears apart dimensional barriers, calling forth the Geometer. It needs a free 3x3 space, and can only be summoned in 3 areas around the station. To start drawing it the requested target must have already been sacrificed. Starting to draw this rune creates a weak forcefield around the caster and alarms the entire station of its location. The caster must be defended for 45 seconds before it's complete.

After it's drawn, 9 cultists, constructs, or summoned ghosts must stand on the rune, which can then be invoked to manifest Nar'Sie itself.



By using the twisted construction spell on platsteel, you are able to get runed metal. With it, you can build several structures, with unique powers. You can unanchor cult buildings by hitting them with your ritual dagger. Using "Conceal Runes" near these structures will make them turn invisible, and make runed doors look like regular airlocks.

Name Description Cost
Altar A bloodstained altar dedicated to Nar'Sie. By using it, you are able to create an Eldritch Whetstone to sharpen your weapon, a Construct Shell, or a Flask of Unholy Water which heals cultists and greatly reduces stuns or can be thrown to poison non-cultists. After creating an item with the altar, it needs 4 minutes to recharge. 3 runed metal
Forge A forge used to craft the unholy weapons used by the armies of Nar'Sie. By using it, you are able to create a True Nar'sian Hardened Armor (a hardsuit with no slowdown), a Flagellant's Robe (which makes you faster at the cost of increasing damage taken by 45%), or a 30-damage Eldritch Longsword. The Eldritch Longsword fits in the suit storage slot of every type of cultist armor and has a 50% block chance. After creating an item with the forge, it needs 4 minutes to recharge. 3 runed metal
Pylon A floating crystal that slowly heals those faithful to Nar'Sie. Also slowly turns the surrounding floor into engraved floor. Engraved floors allow for significantly faster rune scribing and will resist changes in atmosphere (i.e. loss of air or release of a harmful gas). 4 runed metal
Archives A desk covered in arcane manuscripts and tomes in unknown languages. Looking at the text makes your skin crawl. By using it, you are able to create a Zealot's Blindfold (which lets you see in the dark, gives you a medical hud, and is flash-proof), a Shuttle Curse (which, when used, delays the escape shuttle for 2 minutes) or a Veil Walker Set, which includes the Veil Shifter (a 4 use teleporter which teleports you and anything dragged by you forward a medium distance with some randomness) and a Void Torch (which lets you teleport objects to other cultists). You can only use a certain amount of shuttle curses each round. After creating an item with the archives, they need 4 minutes to recharge. 3 runed metal
Runed door Builds a Runed Airlock. Only opens for cultists. Useful securing your base, but a dead giveaway that a cult is onboard. Non-cultists who attempt to use these airlocks are stunned and thrown back. 1 runed metal
Runed girder A wall girder that can instantly be disassembled with your ritual dagger. 1 runed metal


Robust cultists will likely want to enlist the services of a few constructs. To create a construct, a cultist requires:

  • A filled soul stone, either by sacrificing a human, or capturing a soul manually with a stone from an artificer.
  • An empty shell, either by casting Twisted Construction on 50 metal sheets, from an artificer, or from an archive.

When the filled soul stone shard is used on an empty shell, the cultist will be allowed to choose the desired construct to create. Keep in mind these guys are pretty much a dead giveaway that there is cult activity on the station, so try to be covert about it in the beginning.

A complete guide to constructs can be found here. Artificers will poop out new Soulstone Shards Dosya:Soulstone.png and Shells, wraiths can kill the AI, and Juggernauts are great tanks.

The Inevitable Discovery

As the cult rises in power, you and your brethren will begin to undergo some revealing effects caused by the power gained due to the number of members you have in the cult. This will make you easier to spot by unfriendly crewmembers, and after a certain point, there will be no way to hide from the crew. You'll have to make a stand and fight off the rest.

The veil weakens as your cult grows, your eyes begin to glow...

  • Once the blood cult reaches 20% of the active player population, everyone in the cult will receive a notice that the cult is "rising" - and after a moderate delay, the eyes of all existing and new cultists will be permanently red. Examining any cultist with uncovered eyes will confirm their supernatural appearance. Thankfully, this is easily avoidable by wearing any form of eyewear, but still could get you caught out if people are examing you closely without eyewear.

Your cult is ascendant and the red harvest approaches - you cannot hide your true nature for much longer!!

  • Once the blood cult reaches 40% of the active player population, everyone in the cult will receive a warning and after a moderate delay will gain a blood-red cult halo, permanently revealing the identity of existing AND new blood cultists. There is no way to hide this one. If you've managed to get this far, you should have no problems defeating the crew in a head-on battle if you can deal with Security.

Threats to the Cult

Even with access to a large number of different runes and spells, there are ways that your plans may be thwarted by the station's crew. Keep your eye out for these groups of individuals, as they can put a dent in your occult activities.

Security and the Chaplain

Even the best-prepared cultists will have trouble to defend themselves against the united power of security. Especially if the Chaplain Helps them. The Chaplain is able to turn normal water into Holy Water (by slapping its container with a bible), which will turn cultist back into normal people if it stays long enough in their system. The Chaplain is also immune to cult magic and conversion, and his bible is able to make hidden runes visible. The bible can also be used by anyone (not just the Chaplain) on a filled Soul Shard to purify it, which deconverts the shade inside.

Cultist Tips

  • You can solo convert non mindshielded crew by using a Spirit Realm rune and summoning a cult ghost.
  • Cultists can know a rune's name and effects by examining it.
  • Your dagger is a robust melee weapon with 15 damage and good armor-piercing, it can also be sharpened to further increase its lethality. The dagger also serves as an excellent last resort as it deals 25 damage when thrown.
  • Always be ready to summon a cultist in trouble. Stunned or restrained cultists cannot call for help on the cult communion, so keep an eye on the Common channel. If you see a cultist being arrested be sure to report it in communion so they can be rescued before its too late! You can also use the spirit rune to check for cultists in trouble or ask ghosts for the location of dead cultists to revive.
  • Spirit Sight is an incredibly powerful exploration tool, and ghosts can give you precious hints.
  • The chaplain's weapon makes them immune to most of your magic. Don't attempt to use stun spells on them while they have their weapon, or you will get discovered and likely killed.
  • Keeping a shade in a Soulstone Shard Dosya:Soulstone.png with you will allow you to use two-person runes by yourself, by releasing and then recapturing the shade. However shades only count as cultists by invocation runes until after one minute of being released from the shade.
  • Shades can ventcrawl around the station (alt-click).
  • Cultists often find a use for medibots. Having a single bot with a low threshold, backed up by brutepacks or pylons, can keep your cult in fighting shape.
  • Get some plasteel either from mining, stealing it from robotics, engineering or EVA storage, or deconstructing reinforced walls/tables if you are desperate. The AI satellite even contains some spare plasma and metal that you can use to produce plasteel (if you can convince it to let you in.)
  • The EMP spell and Apocalypse Rune are both incredibly useful. They can give you access almost anywhere, just don't forget your crowbar!
  • Manifest Spirit is also useful for getting those missing cultists you need for the Nar'Sie rune.
  • A construct can quickly take down an AI. The best one to do the job is the Wraith. It can jaunt into the core and take the AI down before the crew can respond.
  • Drawing a rune on a cult floor is 50% faster than on a normal floor (except the Nar'Sie rune).
  • If the Harvesters bring enough people to Nar'Sie you may or may not get a special ending.
  • You may be tempted to try converting the Free Golems down in mining but be warned, Adamantine Golems are anti-magic and your spells will not work on them, similarly, Silver and Cloth Golems are Holy and will also be immune to your conversion.
  • Use the conceal presence spell on a teleport rune to create a hidden teleport destination, perfect for safely escaping to.
  • Blood gathered from the blood rites spell can heal cultists instantly. You can also sap 50 units of blood directly from living people.


Once you've completed the ritual, Nar'Sie will come forth.

Her destructive power is unmatched, transforming the bodies of the unenlightened and twisting the very walls to suit her image.

Few things are capable of challenging Nar'Sie's sheer power.

How to Fight A Blood Cult: A Guide for the Common Spaceman

The Cult of Nar'Sie may be a formidable group of wrist-cutting lunatics, but not to fear! There are ways that you as a normal crewmember can either fight or stay safe from their occult influence. Here are some suggested courses of action if you are a non-cultist and care for your well being:


The Chaplain is immune to conversion and is able to turn normal water into Holy Water, which can deconvert cultist back into normal people. With a Null rod in inventory, the Chaplain is also immune to cult magic. The bible is able to make hidden runes visible. You are not immune to being sacrificed.

When cult activity is confirmed: Make sure you have your Null rod weapon and Holy Book with you. Grab a water tank, bless it with your book so it turns into holy water, and drag the tank to the brig. The brig is now your home. You are a primary target for the cult, and will sometimes also be their sacrificial objective.

(Optional) when brig has holy water secured: Grab a Fire Extinguisher from a wall. Empty it and fill it with holy water. You can use it to start blessing tiles, which blocks Blood Beams and prevents Wraiths from jaunting over them.

(Optional) if the AI has not been moved: Have the AI let you into its chamber, so you can bless it. Many cults will kill the AI early, by constructing a Wraith. The wraith can easily jaunt in, appear right in front of the AI and kill it. You can prevent this by blessing most tiles in the AI's chamber.

When you are safe in the brig: You can cooperate with security and stick close to them. Hopefully, they will treat you with respect in return and give you some gear. If the time comes, you may then choose to be the vanguard in the final battle against the cult.

Purified Soulstones and Constructs

Anyone (not only chaplain) can purify a soulstone shard with a bible, and then put it into a found construct shell to create purified constructs, which will help the crew.


Even the best-prepared and robust members of the Cult will have trouble defending themselves against the united power of security, especially if the Chaplain helps them. Your job is to deconvert (or kill if necessary) cultists, find and crack down on cult bases, and destroy constructs. Remember: the safety of the station and its staff are on the line, and it's probably your fault if you fail.

How to Deconvert a Cultist with Holy Water

Step 1: Find a suspected cultist. If less than 20% of the crew are converted they will look like normal crew, so you will have to look for people who are behaving suspiciously or are caught standing near runes. Small brute injuries on one arm or isolated blood spills in someone's workplace could also be signs. If you know that more than 20% of the crew are (or at some point were) converted to the cult, you should ask suspected crewmembers to take off their eyewear. When examining a cultist a red text will then say "his/her eyes are glowing an unnatural red!". If more than 40% of the crew is (or was) cult, you will also see pentagram halos above their heads.

Step 2: Arrest the suspected cultist. Disable/stun and cuff, like any other criminal. As long as cuffed cultists are either held or buckle-cuffed to a chair, they can not be teleported away by their fellow cultists. Take them to the interrogation room.

Step 3: Check the suspect's bag for a ritual dagger (or other cult items). The cult might still be too small to have glowy eyes. Lock it away so it can't be used to stop deconversion, in case a prisoner resists out of the cuffs. Take off any cult gear as well, as they might hurt the prisoner after deconversion if worn. Remember to check EVERYWHERE. Some cultists may be hiding their gear in more discreet locations on their person. A good one to watch out for is if they have hidden their dagger in their boots if they are wearing Jackboots or Workboots.

Step 4: Force feed the confirmed cultist at least 25 units of Holy Water. Use 30 units to be safe. Each sip contains 5 units. It takes exactly 60 chemical ticks (about 2 minutes or less) to deconvert a cultist. After 25 ticks (about 50 seconds or less) the cultist will have a 20% chance per tick to spout random cult sentences which, when it happens, also has a 10% chance to cause 12 seconds of unconsciousness. Stunbaton or flash the prisoners every now and then to make sure they don't resist out of the cuffs. The holy water will instantly clear out blood rites and blood spells.

Step 5: Mindshield Implant the cultist. Mindshield implants will not deconvert cultists, but they will prevent them from being converted/reconverted. They can still be sacrificed and turned into constructs though. Security and the Captain are implanted by default.

Like with revs, you will see a big purple message when a nearby person is deconverted: "-Name- looks like he/she just reverted to his/her old faith!"

Deconverted cultists do not keep their memories from their time in the cult.

If Shit Hits the Fan

If you start seeing pentagram halos you might not have time to arrest and deconvert anymore. Team up, gear up with your weapons of choice, and start blasting people with halos. If the situation feels under control again then go back to deconverting.

Here are some tips and tricks for security:

  • Mirror shields can instantly shatter, stunning their users, if hit by a shot that does 30 damage or more. Many types of shotgun ammo, such as slugs, should do the trick.
  • Zealot's Blindfolds protect against flashes, but not against bangs. Use flashbangs.
  • Consider arming deconverted and implanted former cultists. They should be your confirmed allies.
  • Constructs cannot be stunned and are usually never on your side in a cult round. Kill them with lethal weapons without hesitation.
  • Mindshields can be applied to members of the Cult even when they are not converted; they only protect against hostile mind conversion. Don't just go randomly implanting people until you know who is really on your side.
    • Extremely crafty cultists can disguise as a recently murdered Security Officer and steal an implant for themselves to look life officers. Don't expect this to happen often, but the possibility is there.


If you work in the Medbay it's not your job to directly fight the cult, but you may still do so if you wish. Whatever you do, be careful about attacking people if you are not sure who is cultist or not. The same goes for every other department as well.

Here are some general tips and tricks for Medbay workers:

Medical Doctors: Examine people before healing them, to check for glowy eyes or cult gear. If you don't see anything obvious, then try to do your job as normal.
If you have holy water you can be extra helpful by building a smoke machine. Print the board from the medical techfab or ask the AI to let you into the tech storage so you can grab it. Print stock parts and cable coil from an autolathe. Fill it with holy water and turn it on. Cultists who breathe the holy water will have their prepared spells deleted, so they can no longer stun you. The holy water smoke will also bless tiles if 10u or more touches them.

Chemists: You can create non-lethal syringes with Chloral Hydrate or other chemicals, to use in a syringe gun. Then if you accidentally shoot a non-cultist it won't be a big deal. If you manage to put a confirmed cultist to sleep, then feel free to cuff them with cablecuffs and bring them to the brig for deconversion. You can also make combat drugs and hand them to security.

Geneticists: You can try to find powers such as thermal vision or hulk, and then make injectors to give to security (or use yourself).

Also, try to keep your distance from people acting suspiciously. Medbay usually has some secluded areas, and cultists can easily stun and kidnap you in melee range. Don't try to fight them unless you know what you're doing.


Order Religious Supplies crates. If the Chaplain is nowhere to be seen and security don't have any holy water, order this as fast as possible. The crate contains holy water.

Order Mindshield Implants. If people really don't want to be converted to the cult, they can request to be implanted after cult presence is confirmed. If security is properly deconverting crew, they might run out of implants unless cargo ordered more.

Order guns. If you have a way to open the crates, then guns could help give you or security the upper hand. Remember, be careful about who you shoot if you don't know who is a cultist. Prefer using non-lethals if holy water is available.


Ordnance: While bombs should be the crew's last resort, they are the strongest weapon you can use to stop a Nar'Sie summoning. If you hear the summoning announcement, it might be time to deliver a bomb to the announced location, as a final decisive move against the cult.

Roboticist: Exosuits are strong when cracking down on cult bases. Feel free to build one or more. Cult spells and items can not stun mechs, but they can still damage and destroy it.

Xenobiologist: Some slime cores, such as those from Sepia Slimes can be very powerful in combat, if you manage to get them. Be careful though, as in the xenobiology lab you are often isolated which could make you an easy target.


Engineer: Normally, cultists don't sabotage the engine since it may hurt their teammates. Just make sure there is power. Feel free to build backup telecomms in case a wraith wrecks it (cultists don't need telecomms). You can also try asking the AI let you move its core to a hidden location if you can make it trust you.

Atmospheric Technician: You don't need to go out of your way to fight the cult unless you have some sort of plan. Do not flood the station with gas, since it might hurt non-cultists. Repair any hull breaches resulting from combat.


Grow Holymelons. Not only can they be ground for holy water, but they also have anti-magic properties. Keep a Holymelon in your hand and you should be immune to cult conversion and some other cult spells, until the melon runs out of charges.


It's possible to force a cultist to reveal information by using the hypnotic flash available to traitors, as hypnosis has a greater influence over a person's mind than the influence of Nar'Sie (check the antagonist directive priorities on the rules page here). A very trustworthy security force could use this to negotiate with a traitor and gain an insane advantage. This will not work on deconverted cultists, as they lose their memory of the time they were in the cult.

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