
Psychonaut Station Wiki sitesinden
12.17, 1 Aralık 2024 tarihinde MadNiko (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 4380 numaralı sürüm (Şuanlık internette bulabildiğim resimleri yerleştirdim.Barmenin şablonunu envanter ve silahın açıklamalarını yazdım. Yalnız tgstationdaki kuşbakışı bar fotosundaki harita bizim svde yok. Metadaki bar fotosu varsa onu biri discordtan atsın hayırlı işler.)
Gezinti kısmına atla Arama kısmına atla

Access: Bar, Theatre, ORM, Weapon Permit
Ekstra Access: Hydroponics, Kitchen, Morgue
Zorluk: Kolay
Müfettişler: Head of Personnel
Görevler: Farklı türden içecekleri kendine veya başkalarına hazırla.
Rehberler: Guide to drinks, Drink recipes
Alıntı: Doldur irfo iççek.

You are one half of the Maltese Falcon.

Bare minimum requirements: Barında takıl, öğrendiğin içkileri istasyondakilere veya kendin için hazırla.

The Bar

Barın Envanteri

Armor Vest (Çelik Yelek): Gövdene çarpan mermilerin hasarını azaltır.

Double-Barrelled Shotgun (Çifte Namlulu Pompalı) (Aşağıya atla)
Shaker: İçkilerini karıştırmak için kullanılan kap.
Vending Machine: Depodaki bu otomat barmenler için üniforma ve şapkaları barındırır.
Booze-O-Mat: Senin özel içki otomatın.
Bıra fıçın, bira dolabın, barmen otomatın ve mixerin, hepsi senin depo odanda.
Beer Goggles: İçkinin içindeki bileşenleri görmeye yarar. Ayrıca içkileri kırmadan fırlatmanı sağlar.
Barın habeş maymunu; etrafta gezip tadının ineğinkine yakın olması dışında pekte bir esprisi yok.
Barmen el yazması: İçkiler için kısa bir manuel (oyun içi hala tamamlanmadı)
Drink Display: Özel içkilerini koyabileceğin bosch dolap. (Sadece belirli istasyonda vardır)

Pompalı Tüfeğin

İki namlulu olan pompalı tüfeğin sadece iki tane fişek tutar ancak bir o kadarda hızlı ateş eder. Tüfek elinizdeyken üzerine tıklamak (ya da Z ye basmak) tüfeğin açılmasına ve bu yüzden içindeki fişekleri dışarı atmasına neden olur. Bu olduktan sonra cebinizde geriye kalan fişekleri yeniden içine tüfeğin içine doldurarak silahı ateş etmeye hazır hale getirebilirsiniz.

Daha fazla fişek almak için cargo (kargonun) autolathe'ini kullanabilir veya sipariş edebilirsiniz.

- Lethal Shells (kırmızı) 60 fiziksel hasar (brute damage) verir. (autolathelerde artık bulunmamaktadır)

- Rubbershot shells (yeşil) 6 tane saçma ateşler ve tanesi 3 fiziksel hasar (brute damage) ve 11 stamina götürür.

- Beanbag shells (yeşil) 1 fişek ateşlr ve 10 fiziksel hasar (brute damage) ve 55 stamina götürür.

- Shotgun darts (mor) 5 fiziksel hasar (brute damage) verir ama 30 ünite herhangi bir maddeyle doldurup ateşlenebilir.

- Incendiary slugs (turuncu) 20 fiziksel hasar verir ve hedefin alev almasını sağlar.

Autolathes can create circular saws, which you can use to saw off your shotgun so it can fit in your bag. If you do this while the gun is loaded, it will go off in your face. Autolathelerden cerrahi testere yapabilirsiniz, bunla pompalı tüfeğin namlusunu kısaltıp cebinize sığdırabilirsiniz. Fakat eğer tüfek dolu iken tüfeğin namlusunu testereyle kesmeye çalışırsanız içindeki fişekler yüzüne patliycaktır.

Science departmanından ayrıca can also teknolojik fişekler araştırabilirsiniz, bunlar; Meteorslug shells, Pulse slug shells, Dragonsbreath shells,ve diğerleri...


Your bottles are a powerful multi-purpose tool. Whether it be for drinking, splashing on people via throwing or smashing. Depending on the chemical or booze mix you fill your bottles with, you can have bottles that are very useful for healing, robusting or flat out annoying people via throwing them, smashing them on people's heads or forcing others to drink from them. You can also load your personal collection of bottles onto a tray to carry more bottles than a cardboard box would be able to carry and it's easy access to your bottles if you put the tray on your belt. If you put your bottle tray on your belt, you could quick-equip from your belt by pressing the "Quick-equip belt" hotkey and sling bottles before your opponent could even react. Here are things you can do with your bottles.

  • Synthflesh-filled booze bottles heal people instantly on splash depending on how much of it is applied via throw, sure they may be toxin damage in the aftermath, but Tea and it's iced variant could help heal the toxin damage.
  • With access to a pepper spray refiller at a Security checkpoint, you can make bottles filled with Condensed Capsaicin that will knock someone down and blind them for quite a long time on throw, but only if they're skin is exposed upon throwing these bottles at them.
  • having a Fluorosulfuric Acid and Sulphuric Acid factory going into your bar's back-room could allow you to make bottles that deal heavy amounts of damage to the unarmored and melt the equipment of the armored so you can throw your Condensed Capsaicin bottles at them.
  • Ever wanted to play a cruel prank on your crewmates? get some space ants from rotten food, scoop 'em up, make an ant factory, then fill your bottles with ants or itching Powder before throwing them at people.
  • Buy the deputy vest and hat from the Theatre, cosplay as a wild-west bottle-slinger and try to become the quickest hand in Space
  • Give the clown some Condensed Capsaicin bottles since he ran out of pies and the Cook can't be asked to make more.
  • Give pepper spray booze bottles to Security so they can quickly arrest anyone not wearing pepper spray protection.

Tending to your Bar

You have a whole bunch of spirits in your handy Booze-o-mat vending machine, with which to mix all manner of drinks. The Vodka in your Booze-o-mat cures some radiation, and Screwdriver can efficiently purge radiation in engineering staff.

Difficulty is minimal, but bar fights can get deadly if your most valued patrons are too drunk to intervene. People also love to murder people having a good time in the bar, especially if you start serving Beepsky Smashes.

Human Controlled Pun Pun!

Is that NPC Pun Pun too boring for you? Well now you can turn someone into Pun Pun! First take Pun Pun to genetics and get him scanned in those fancy machines. You want to scan UI+UE and SE. Inject the victim willing participant with the SE first and wait til he becomes a monkey. Second inject him with the UI+UE and tada! Player controlled Pun Pun. Take him back to the bar and have him dance on the table tops for space cash. The old Pun Pun can be given to the chef to quench the evil desires of that wretched machine of his.

Alternatively, you can get a Mind Magnification helmet from Cargo and put it on Pun Pun or another monkey to make the monkey controlled by another player, picked from ghosts.

If you want to communicate with the new Pun Pun be sure to get a pAi. If your monkey friend is too quick to leave you don't fret! Monkeys can be handcuffed, so just handcuff him to chair. Now he can NEVER LEAVE!

Beyond The Booze-o-Mat

The chemist has access to, and will usually readily give, most of the chemicals you could want for drinks. In addition, many chemicals have tastes and effects on their own, and can be added to drinks to create flavor/effect combinations that are impossible with just the booze-o-mat and dispensers. For example, thermite tastes like sweet metal, and chlorine trifluoride tastes like burning- both creating delicious drinks that are also serious weapons or tools when thrown.


  • Water can be used to dilute alcohol both in a drink as well as in bloodstreams!
    • 25u of Water + 75u of Alcohol will reduce the booze power of drinks by 25%, and a fifty-fifty ratio of the two will halve it! This will work for any ratio of Water and Alcohol.
  • Several drinks you can make will have actual effects OTHER than getting people sloshed. To name a few:
    • Beepsky Smash is a incredibly easy to make (Just get iron from the department techfab!) drink, which when ingested provides an immediate and incredibly powerful stun while also forcing the victim to stand still.
    • Milk Cream, Orange Juice, Lime Juice, and Tomato Juice all heal small amounts of brute, oxygen, toxin, and burn, respectively.
    • 'Nothing' and Banana Juice will heal Clowns and Mimes of all damage types at a decent rate
    • Carrot Juice can heal eye damage
    • Cream, Milk, Soy Milk, Cafe Latte, Soy Latte and Chocolate Milk all have 20% chance to heal 1 brute, this can roll multiple times at once. It's recommended to get a cow immediately.
    • Remember to ask the Janitor for wood and cleaner grenade beakers if he hasn't already used them. You can use the Fluorosurfactant to make a keg-stand worth healing for.
    • Dr. Gibb can prevent people from getting drowsy, nostalgic Chemists who like Chloral Hydrate will love this being delivered to them.
  • Temperature issues? A handful of drinks can either cool you down or heat you up!
    • Lemon-Lime, Iced Tea, Iced Beer,Thirteen Loko, and Space-Up will all chill you
    • Antifreeze, Sbiten, Soy Latte, Coffee, Chocolate, and the elusive Toxins Special will all warm you up
  • There are quite a few other drinks with special effects - Experiment and mix them all into an omni-cocktail!

Serving up a cool glass of pain

Traitor Bartender

Traitor barman has it hard. You only start with Bar access. If you're not in the bar when someone inevitably shows up, expect them to try to break in or call attention to your absence. You have one advantage in that you spawn with a potentially lethal weapon nearby, voiding the need for a revolver or similar item. You'll need the QM or a Cargo Technician's help to get lethal shells, however. They can use your shotgun to bust open locked crates, so see if you can't strike a mutually beneficial deal with them.

Use of an emag and your shotgun may help you for assassinations. It is best to stay around the bar as much as you can, as you will look suspicious if a million people want a drink at the bar.

Some of your drinks can have... beneficial effects. If you get the ingredients for Beepsky Smash or Neurotoxin, you have an instant stun. Or you could just go the old-fashioned down and dirty route and poison drinks outright.

  • An emag can make a Syndicate Café sign when used on your bartender screen... Useless but good to know, right?
  • Neurotoxin is more potent than Chloral Hydrate - If you can find a way to apply it, your victim will spend a very long time on the floor
  • Beepsky Smash makes someone incapable of holding items in their hands. Mix this with your poisons to completely debilitate your targets.
  • You can knock somebody down by breaking a bottle of alcohol over their head (Any of the several in the Booze-o-Matic), provided they aren't wearing robust headgear. This also drenches them in potentially dangerous fluids -- cover them in something flammable and use a lighter or welder to ignite, or douse them in acid in deal heavy damage. This works with all chemicals, so get creative and experiment.
  • The Bartender's damp rag can be used to smother people. Soak it in a chemical to transfer 5u to it. Then click someone on Combat Mode Varsayılan olarak 4 ile etkinleştirin, 1 ile devre dışı bırakın veya F ile geçiş yapın. İnsanlara eli boşken Sol-tıklamak, açıksa onlara Harm veya kapalıysa onlara Help uygular. Ayrıca insanlarla çarpıştığınızda yer değiştirmenizi veya itilmenizi engeller. . Doesn't work if they have their mouth covered.
  • Slipping a pill into a drink creates an obtrusive message, but can still be an effective way to transfer chemicals without somebody noticing. Make sure the glass isn't full!
  • With a Toxins Kit and some Shotgun Darts your shotgun can become one of the deadliest weapons on the station, with a 1-shot kill that deals upwards of 150 toxin damage in less than 30 seconds
    • If you can find a chem dispenser you could make !!Fun!! potassium and water darts that are as !!Fun!! as they sound.
    • Even without darts, the toxins kit is incredibly strong - 20u of Polonium is very lethal, as are many of the other chemicals
    • Throwing Acid mix-filled booze bottles at people can be immediately lethal to the unarmored. Throwing Condensed Capsaicin and acid mix-filled bottles make things even worse since the only armor that fully protects against those bottles do not protect from being smashed in the head with those bottles.
